

Concerned about the impacts of climate change, particularly on underserved communities? Interested in exploring how digital library folks can promote climate justice? Participate in the new DLF Climate Justice group. We are in the process of developing a charge and setting up the infrastructure to become a DLF Working Group. In the first year of this group, we intend to function as a learning community inquiring into how we can best promote climate justice in digital library work.

To participate in the DLF Climate Justice group, please fill out this brief form. All are welcome to attend our Zoom meeting on Monday, March 28 at 1 p.m. CDT. At this meeting, we will discuss our draft charge and potential plans for the 2022 DLF Forum.

Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 936 9357 6101
Passcode: 454612
+1 346 248 7799 US

Please contact Lisa Spiro ([log in to unmask]) with any questions.

Take care,

Lisa Spiro (she/hers)
Assistant University Librarian for Digital Scholarship and Organizational Development
Adjunct Lecturer, Humanities
Rice University

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