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  *   Welcome Andy! & intros (10 mins)
  *   Updates from group members (10 mins)
     *   What privacy- and ethics-related updates do you have to share? Any successes? Any challenges?
  *   Communication strategies (5 mins)
     *   Selecting a regular meeting time: poll forthcoming
     *   Ongoing communication methods: any suggestions?
  *   Building out our community (35 mins)
     *   How might we (or might not we) want to align with other associations? (15 mins)
        *   What might these associations be? (e.g., ALA Core, Privacy subcommittee)
        *   Where might our work align? Where might it diverge?
     *   Are we interested in establishing recurring PET events? (20 mins)
        *   Annual workshops/panels? (hint: DLF Forum call for proposals was just released!)
     *   Are we interested in any standalone work?


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