DigiPres22: Preserving Legacy
Call for Proposals

The NDSA invites proposals on this year’s theme of Preserving Legacy on any project or research involving archives, libraries, museums, and other heritage and cultural organizations, communities, or groups in partnership with each other. Digital Preservation 2022 (#DigiPres22) is held in partnership with our host organization, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Digital Library Federation.  After 2 years of virtual conferencing, #DigiPres22 is our opportunity to convene in person and explore together the next phase and frontier of digital preservation. Please read up on DLF Forum health protocols to get more information on how we plan to reconvene safely.  

Preserving Legacy
How users experience digital spaces is essential to their ability to reflect and build on their digital legacy. In digital preservation work in the cultural heritage sector, it is important to think of the architects and contributors (traditionally humans but also, increasingly, AI) within digital environments. With emerging technologies, how can our work best support a more user-centric approach to digital preservation? How do we use digital preservation to critically address oppression, racism, inequity, injustice, and societal violence and, at the same time, critique digital preservation’s contribution to these contexts?

Please note that proposals do not have to adhere to our conference theme to be considered, but we especially encourage proposals related to preserving the legacies of contributors and users in digital spaces, as well as methods and tools used to accomplish this work.

Submissions from members and nonmembers alike are welcome. We would like to especially encourage submissions from early careerists, students, and professionals from underrepresented groups. You can learn more about session format options through the CFP

The deadline to submit proposals is Monday, April 25, 2022, at 11:59 pm Eastern Time.
Complete your submission here.​​

-2022 PC 


Jessica C. Neal|Jes

Records Management Project Manager 

Department of Distinctive Collections, MIT Libraries

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139



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