Good afternoon all,

I hope this finds you well! Paige and I wanted to send out a quick reminder of our next DLF PET meeting, happening tomorrow from 3-4pm Eastern time (12-1 Pacific). Our agenda and Zoom connection info is below.

Additionally, we have been asked to share the following group member survey with all PET members:
This will provide DLF with some updates on our group's logistics, inform DLF programming in the months ahead, and offer insight on how DLF can best support our group!

Thank you all in advance, and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Best wishes,
Andy & Paige


Agenda 2022-04-20




Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 917 1569 0278

Passcode: 942984

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,91715690278# US (New York)

+13017158592,,91715690278# US (Washington DC)

From: DLF Privacy and Ethics in Technology <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Walker, Paige <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 2:39 PM
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: DLF PET 4/20 Meeting Agenda

Hello fellow PETS,


Andy and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, April 20 from 3-4pm Eastern time! Our agenda and Zoom connection information is below.



Paige & Andy






Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 917 1569 0278

Passcode: 942984

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,91715690278# US (New York)

+13017158592,,91715690278# US (Washington DC)


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