

Hi all,

In Wednesday's call I learned that the Data Doubles team has published a new article. It's called "Questions of Trust: A Survey of Student Expectations and Perspectives on Library Learning Analytics".

Highly recommend it to you and others in the library privacy community.  Here are some passages I pulled and added to my Zotero library when I was reading it. Thanks to Dorothea and her colleagues for doing this important work.


"Survey questions addressing students' overall feelings about privacy revealed that students almost universally considered privacy to be important, especially to protect against intrusions in their life (94%) and to develop their identity (79%) and, to a lesser degree, to develop intellectual ideas (71%) and personal relationships (68%)."
"However, only 11% of students considered their internet browsing history to be "completely public," whereas 50% perceived it to be "completely private." In comparison, 93% of students considered their banking information "completely private." Students generally viewed financial information and health records to be the most private types of information."
"Given that half (50%) of students felt their internet browsing history should be completely private, we question whether students can accurately identify when they are browsing the internet versus the library resources that they consider less sensitive. Because students routinely access library materials using third-party systems such as Google Scholar or directly access library-licensed databases such as JSTOR, the border between library and nonlibrary systems may be difficult for students to perceive. Librarians should consider that students may desire and believe data collected about them to be more private than they report."
"Although libraries are often considered among the most trusted institutions in the United States, our research suggests that academic libraries do not always conduct their operations in ways that students feel are respectful of the privacy of their PII. Transparency, education, and outreach can help academic libraries practice and advocate for strong data privacy policies for library use and thus increase students' trust."

From: DLF Privacy and Ethics in Technology <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Walker, Paige
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 5:10 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: DLF PET 4/20 Meeting

Hi all,

Thanks to those who attended our meeting today! You may review our notes here<>.

Additionally, please let Andy or Paige know if you're interested in either:

  *   Planning a webinar panel about patron data collection (especially as it pertains to recent national challenges to intellectual freedom)

  *   Joining a group that develops resources for a Single Sign On assessment

All best,
Andy & Paige

From: DLF Privacy and Ethics in Technology <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> on behalf of Petersen, Andrew <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 4:19 PM
To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: Re: DLF PET 4/20 Meeting Agenda
Good afternoon all,

I hope this finds you well! Paige and I wanted to send out a quick reminder of our next DLF PET meeting, happening tomorrow from 3-4pm Eastern time (12-1 Pacific). Our agenda and Zoom connection info is below.

Additionally, we have been asked to share the following group member survey with all PET members:
This will provide DLF with some updates on our group's logistics, inform DLF programming in the months ahead, and offer insight on how DLF can best support our group!

Thank you all in advance, and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Best wishes,
Andy & Paige

Agenda 2022-04-20

  *   Question of the day: What are you most looking forward to this spring? (3 min)
  *   Welcome & new member introductions (5 min)
  *   Updates, questions, and talking points from group members (10 min)
  *   DLF Forum Proposal (14 min)

     *   Do any PET members have the desire/bandwidth to submit a proposal?
     *   Must be submitted by April 25th. The conference takes place in-person in Baltimore October 9-13, 2022.
     *   Unfortunately, neither Paige nor Andy can be listed as a presenter, but would be happy to help draft something.
     *   Are PET members submitting other proposals themselves? If there is no interest in submitting something collectively with this group, we might connect existing panels to DLF PET through a shoutout! If your proposal is PET-related, let us know how we can support it through review, etc.!
     *   Working group meal or meeting (The speaking limit restriction does not apply to co-organizing Working Group meetings, Lightning Talks, or Learn@DLF sessions.)

  *   Related possibility: DLF/ALA Virtual Webinar (14 min)

     *   Potential topic: Privacy and ethics pertaining to library vendors collecting data & sharing with parents. (e.g., Overdrive & parents' access to circulation records.)
     *   Any other ideas? If there is interest, what should our timeline look like?

  *   Continuing last month's conversation: Are we interested in any standalone work? (14 min)

     *   Last month, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe proposed a white paper about SAML/Shib & SSO issues.

Join Zoom Meeting<;!!HXCxUKc!ihVhwKO3CjxQo3dqj-9U7UbUO1_Jbpm5lJm4uBY1Bj6xKthycA-_FpDdkuavfA$>

Meeting ID: 917 1569 0278

Passcode: 942984

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,91715690278# US (New York)

+13017158592,,91715690278# US (Washington DC)

From: DLF Privacy and Ethics in Technology <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> on behalf of Walker, Paige <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 2:39 PM
To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: DLF PET 4/20 Meeting Agenda

Hello fellow PETS,

Andy and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, April 20 from 3-4pm Eastern time! Our agenda<;!!HXCxUKc!ihVhwKO3CjxQo3dqj-9U7UbUO1_Jbpm5lJm4uBY1Bj6xKthycA-_FpARQ0HJ3A$> and Zoom connection information is below.


Paige & Andy


  *   Question of the day: What are you most looking forward to this spring? (3 min)
  *   Welcome & new member introductions (5 min)
  *   Updates, questions, and talking points from group members (10 min)
  *   DLF Forum Proposal (14 min)

     *   Do any PET members have the desire/bandwidth to submit a proposal?
     *   Must be submitted by April 25th. The conference takes place in-person in Baltimore October 9-13, 2022.
     *   Unfortunately, neither Paige nor Andy can be listed as a presenter, but would be happy to help draft something.
     *   Are PET members submitting other proposals themselves? If there is no interest in submitting something collectively with this group, we might connect existing panels to DLF PET through a shoutout! If your proposal is PET-related, let us know how we can support it through review, etc.!
     *   Working group meal or meeting (The speaking limit restriction does not apply to co-organizing Working Group meetings, Lightning Talks, or Learn@DLF sessions.)

  *   Related possibility: DLF/ALA Virtual Webinar (14 min)

     *   Potential topic: Privacy and ethics pertaining to library vendors collecting data & sharing with parents. (e.g., Overdrive & parents' access to circulation records.)
     *   Any other ideas? If there is interest, what should our timeline look like?

  *   Continuing last month's conversation: Are we interested in any standalone work? (14 min)

     *   Last month, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe proposed a white paper about SAML/Shib & SSO issues.

Join Zoom Meeting<;!!HXCxUKc!ihVhwKO3CjxQo3dqj-9U7UbUO1_Jbpm5lJm4uBY1Bj6xKthycA-_FpDdkuavfA$>

Meeting ID: 917 1569 0278

Passcode: 942984

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,91715690278# US (New York)

+13017158592,,91715690278# US (Washington DC)


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To unsubscribe from the DLF-SURVEILLANCE-TECH list, click the following link: