

Hello fellow PETS,

Andy and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, April 20 from 3-4pm Eastern time! Our agenda<> and Zoom connection information is below.

Paige & Andy


  *   Question of the day: What are you most looking forward to this spring? (3 min)
  *   Welcome & new member introductions (5 min)
  *   Updates, questions, and talking points from group members (10 min)
  *   DLF Forum Proposal (14 min)
     *   Do any PET members have the desire/bandwidth to submit a proposal?
     *   Must be submitted by April 25th. The conference takes place in-person in Baltimore October 9-13, 2022.
     *   Unfortunately, neither Paige nor Andy can be listed as a presenter, but would be happy to help draft something.
     *   Are PET members submitting other proposals themselves? If there is no interest in submitting something collectively with this group, we might connect existing panels to DLF PET through a shoutout! If your proposal is PET-related, let us know how we can support it through review, etc.!
     *   Working group meal or meeting (The speaking limit restriction does not apply to co-organizing Working Group meetings, Lightning Talks, or Learn@DLF sessions.)
  *   Related possibility: DLF/ALA Virtual Webinar (14 min)
     *   Potential topic: Privacy and ethics pertaining to library vendors collecting data & sharing with parents. (e.g., Overdrive & parents’ access to circulation records.)
     *   Any other ideas? If there is interest, what should our timeline look like?
  *   Continuing last month’s conversation: Are we interested in any standalone work? (14 min)
     *   Last month, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe proposed a white paper about SAML/Shib & SSO issues.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 917 1569 0278

Passcode: 942984

One tap mobile

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