Hi all, The Calls for Proposals for CLIR’s 2022 events close TONIGHT at 11:59pm ET. Read about the calls below and submit your proposals to the DLF Forum, Learn@DLF, NDSA’s Digital Preservation, or the Digitizing Hidden Collections Symposium before it’s too late. All best, Aliya and Team DLF --- The Council on Library and Information Resources<https://www.clir.org/> is pleased to announce that we have opened Calls for Proposals for our conferences happening in Baltimore, MD this October: the Digital Library Federation’s<https://diglib.org/> (DLF) Forum and Learn@DLF, NDSA’s<https://ndsa.org/> Digital Preservation 2022: Preserving Legacy, and CLIR’s Digitizing Hidden Collections Symposium. For all events, we welcome submissions from members and nonmembers alike. Students, practitioners, and others from any related field are invited to submit for one conference or multiple (though, different proposals for each, please). Our events will take place on the following dates: * The DLF Forum<https://forum2022.diglib.org/> (#DLFforum<https://twitter.com/hashtag/DLFforum>): October 10-12 * Learn@DLF<https://forum2022.diglib.org/affiliated-events/learndlf/> pre-conference workshop day (#LearnAtDLF<https://twitter.com/hashtag/learnatdlf>): October 9 * NDSA’s Digital Preservation 2022: Preserving Legacy<https://ndsa.org/meetings/> (#DigiPres22<https://twitter.com/hashtag/digipres22>): October 12-13 * CLIR’s Digitizing Hidden Collections Symposium<https://www.clir.org/hiddencollections/events/2022-symposium/> (#digHC<https://twitter.com/hashtag/dighc>): October 12-13 Learn more about our events and session options on the DLF Blog.<https://forum2022.diglib.org/2022-cfps-now-live/> The deadline for all opportunities is Monday, April 25, at 11:59pm Eastern Time. View the Calls for Proposals and submit: * The DLF Forum and Learn@DLF CFP <https://forum2022.diglib.org/forum-cfp/> * NDSA’s Digital Preservation 2022: Preserving Legacy CFP<https://ndsa.org/conference/digital-preservation-2022/cfp/> * CLIR’s Digitizing Hidden Collections Symposium CFP<https://www.clir.org/hiddencollections/events/2022-symposium/call-for-proposals/> If you have any questions, please write to us at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. If you’d like to know more about our Covid-19 Health Protocols, click here.<https://forum2022.diglib.org/resources/health-protocols/> We’re looking forward to seeing you in Baltimore this fall. -Team DLF P.S. Want to stay updated on all things #DLFforum? Subscribe to our Forum newsletter<https://share.hsforms.com/1MhcafbpARxGCIS1OQD6rKgc21y3> or follow us at @CLIRDLF<https://twitter.com/clirdlf> on Twitter. ----------- Aliya Reich | she/her/hers Program Manager for Conferences and Events 🦀 Based in Baltimore, MD Digital Library Federation (DLF)<https://www.diglib.org/> Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)<https://www.clir.org/> 211 North Union Street Suite 100-PMB1027, Alexandria, VA 22314 443-671-4212 ######################################################################## to manage your NDSA-ALL subscription, visit ndsa.org/ndsa-all