

The Council on Library and Information Resources and the Digital Library Federation are proud to announce that the 2022 Forum fellowship application<> is now open. This year, we are offering a limited number of fellowship opportunities to enable a diverse group of students and practitioners to attend the 2022 DLF Forum<>, to be held in Baltimore, Maryland this October.

Eligibility information for each of the following award categories is available on our website<>, but DLF member<> affiliation is NOT required to apply (so please share this opportunity widely!):

  *   Fellowships for Students
  *   HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) Fellowships
  *   TCU (Tribal Colleges and Universities) Fellowships
  *   Public Library Fellowships
  *   Fellowships for Grassroots Archives and Cultural Heritage Organizations

All fellowships will include the following:

  *   Complimentary DLF Forum registration
  *   A complimentary room at the conference hotel for three nights (October 9-11)
  *   A stipend for travel and incidentals ($650)
  *   Invitations to special networking opportunities
  *   The option to present a short lightning talk during the conference

In return, Fellows agree to share a brief (500 word) reflection on their experiences to be published on the DLF blog<> after the Forum.

Take a look at our website for more information and the link to this year’s lightweight application.

The deadline to apply is 11:59pm ET on Tuesday, May 31.

Thank you,
Gayle and Team DLF

P.S. The deadline to submit a session proposal for all of our 2022 events has been extended until May 9. All calls for proposals are available on the Forum website<>.

Gayle Schechter, MSLIS | she/her/hers
Program Associate
🍑 Based in Atlanta, GA (Mvskoke land<>)
The Digital Library Federation (DLF)<>
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR<>)
Alexandria, VA
@CLIRDLF<> | @akaGladys<>

My working day may not be your working day. Please don’t feel obliged to reply to this e-mail outside of your normal working hours.


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