

Hey NDSA folks,

Putting my hat on as a member of the PASIG Steering Committee to let you all know about an event coming up after Open Repositories in Denver. We’re looking for speakers on well-defined topics and lightning sessions. Info below:

The PASIG Steering Committee is pleased to announce that registration is open for our event in Denver, Colorado, on June 10, 2022 (right after Open Repositories 2022)!

This IN-PERSON EVENT will provide an opportunity for the PASIG<> (Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group) community to come together to share and discuss current digital preservation efforts. Content will continue PASIG’s focus on practical work happening at institutions across the world.

To that end, we are welcoming proposals for short presentations and talks (5 or 10 minutes) on the following topics:

  *   Digital Preservation in the time of crisis
  *   Good practice guidance
  *   Preservation Planning for Repository Managers
  *   Storage & Tech Trends

Invited speakers must also register for the event. We will also set aside two spots on the agenda for impromptu lightning presentations.

Logistics for the event:

Date: Friday June 10, 2022
Time: 9am-4pm
Location: Metropolitan State University, Auraria Campus, downtown Denver, CO
Cost: $15

To register to attend the event:

To submit a proposal for a presentation or talk:

Hope to see some of you there after Open Repositories.

Courtney Mumma, Deputy Director, Texas Digital Library


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