Dear all,
The Project Team of the National Forum on the Prevention of Cyber Sexual Abuse (NFPCSA) invites you to our public webinar “Digital Literacy Against Digital Violence: Findings from
the NFPCSA.”
In this webinar, the Project Team and select committee members will provide an overview of our two-year project funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and hosted
by Tufts University’s Tisch Library.
We will review lessons learned in the process of planning survivor-centered and trauma-informed programming; primary takeaways from the three-day National Forum; and the structure
and content of our handbook for academic library workers, “Digital Literacy Against Digital Violence.”
By sharing both our process and outcomes, we hope to inspire attendees to build community to prevent digital violence on their respective campuses. This conversation will take place
as an extended discussion between panelists and will hold space for questions and conversation with attendees.
Please save the date for
Monday, June 6, 2022, 1:00–2:30 p.m. Eastern time. Register
at our Eventbrite page to receive login information.
Hope to see you there!
Paige, on behalf of the Project Team (Adam Jazairi and Chelcie Rowell)
Paige Walker
PI, National Forum on the Prevention of Cyber Sexual Abuse
Head of Digital Initiatives, Tisch Library
Tufts University
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