

In all fairness, some places are very into process.

I actually had to take a short course to learn how to sit in a chair and
walk across the hall -- seriously. I won't out the employer that did this
even if I should. Though I do wonder why they'd hire anyone they thought
might benefit from such a course.

On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 4:28 PM Kyle Banerjee <[log in to unmask]>

>> As far as certification, my humble opinion after 25+ years in academic
>> (and now Library) IT work, is that certifications are only for hiring
>> managers who want something to check off on an applicant or pointy-haired
>> bosses who don't actually understand IT....
> ...I would be suspicious that an IT worker looking to gain lots of
>> certifications, is looking to change jobs for something that pays better
>> because the certifications get them in the door.
> This. People need to be able to demonstrate they have the chops for a
> position, but certs correlate poorly with knowledge and performance. If
> someone thinks certs prove they know what they're doing, it proves the
> exact opposite in my mind for reasons stated by others..
> When they say this person needs them for the "requirements for his
> position/title and for academic accreditation needs," what did they have in
> mind? Gotta admit, red flags fly when I see stuff like that.
> kyle