

Hello - I am chairing the ALA's Library Research Round Table's Virtual Mentorship Program committee and we are preparing for our first cohort.  There are two individuals who have registered as mentees who have expressed interest in data visualization, software development, and artificial intelligence.  Unfortunately, we do not have mentors who have had this kind of experience, so I am reaching out to the best community on computer programming in the LIS field.  This is an opportunity to mentor two bright individuals in methods of researching how Open Source is developed, shared, used and grown, as well as techniques and tools used for data visualization and artificial intelligence.  These individuals could be mentored as a small group and the commitment is expected to be between 3-5 hours per month, including meeting times, preparation, one or two training sessions, and an optional online sharing session at the end of the program year in July, 2023.

Please let me know if you are interested in this opportunity.  Thank you very much for your consideration.

Karen R. Harker, MLS, MPH
Preferred Pronouns: she, her, hers
Collection Assessment Librarian
University of North Texas Libraries
1155 Union Blvd.
Denton, TX 76203-5017