Dear DLF PET community, 

We want to apologize again for the last-minute cancellation of the September PET meeting. 

As you may know, both of us (Andy and Paige) have recently accepted new positions outside of academia, which have us pulled in a variety of directions at present. While we have greatly enjoyed leading DLF PET over the past year, we want to ensure the community is able to flourish–something that would likely be best fostered through new leadership. 

If you are interested in learning more about leading DLF PET, please reach out to us. We would be more than happy to chat.

In the meantime, please mark your calendars for the October 19th meeting from 3-4pm Eastern time, which will be the final meeting that we will be able to lead as co-conveners. An agenda will be sent closer to the meeting. A zoom link can be found below. 

@Alexander King, if you’re still interested in leading the reading group for October, please reach out to us directly.

With gratitude, 

Andy and Paige

Topic: DLF-PET Monthly Meeting

Time: Oct 19, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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