

The ePADD+ Project team is pleased to announce the release of ePADD Version 9.0<>, along with an updated user guide<>. This release includes all the functions added in version 9.0 Alpha, some additional functionality, and the resolution of bugs and issues surfaced during the community testing phase<> of 9.0 Alpha.

New features (including features added during the Alpha release):

  *   A functionality to 'export for preservation' is now added. This feature enables export of messages with all the headers intact for the purpose of preservation.
  *   A functionality to export Premis XML metadata file is included. This file captures all major events during ingestion and appraisal of the emails.

  *   When the archive is exported to Mbox, any quoted messages appearing in the email body are now included.

  *   Exported Mbox files contained all attachments in Base64 encoding. Now the encoding is read during the Mbox import and then used in the export.

  *   In exported Mbox files, encapsulated messages (RFC822) used to be added to the email body. Now they are kept as attachments.

  *   The HTML part of a message used to be discarded during import. Now the HTML part is stored and used in the export to Mbox.

  *   Ability to import and export sidecar files in the Appraisal module, which users could use for a variety of purposes (example: donor agreement).

  *   A 'Browse all messages' button has been added to the main screen.

  *   The ability to delete a collection has been added.

Issues fixed:

  *   Fixed embargo duration data type.
  *   Fixed some issues with annotations

  *   Fixed logging issue, which resulted in some logging messages being lost. This improves the ability to reproduce issues reported by users.

  *   Fixed an issue which resulted in the advanced search in labels not working.

  *   Resolved an issue resulting in certain characters not working in Mbox file names.

  *   The epadd launcher from the system tray is now working.

  *   Resolved an issue which resulted in not being able to return to the 'Edit Metadata' page after going to the main ePADD page.

  *   The file is now correctly being created during installation.

  *   Fixed an issue resulting in the toolbar missing when returning to the main screen from the 'Edit Metadata' screen.

This development is part of the Integrating Preservation Functionality into ePADD project<> (ePADD+ for short), generously funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and administered through the University of Illinois’ Email Archives: Building Capacity and Community (EA:BCC)<> grant program. The next stage of development in this project will focus on the optional integration of a commercial format conversion tool, which will support the import, normalization, and export of a wider variety of email formats.

We previously released ePADD version 9.0 Alpha<> at the beginning of July 2022, and we are very grateful to the community testers that partnered with us to evaluate and improve it. We encourage testing of this release and welcome feedback from users through Github<>. For questions about the ePADD+ project, please contact project managers Paul Carlyle ([log in to unmask]) or Tricia Patterson ([log in to unmask]).

You’ve Got Mail,

Tricia (ePADD+ Co-Project Manager)
Tricia Patterson (she/her/hers)
Senior Digital Preservation Specialist
Harvard University

90 Mt. Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
+1 617/496-4747

Champions of Curiosity


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