

"You've hit my 40%, I would apply." This short, but powerful, phrase was spoken by my husband as he helped a job-hunting friend go through the skills listed in a new job posting. Since I was eavesdropping, I asked him to explain. He then ticked off all the skills his friend had, which were roughly 40% of what the job either required or requested. The rest, he determined, his friend could easily learn. I have discussed this approach to job hunting in the digest before, but I had never seen it in action. But I had to know, do others agree? In my internet search, I came across the HigherEdJobs podcast, which discussed this very issue<>. I'll give you a hint on their thoughts...definitely apply, but listen to the first part of the episode to learn the caveats. So check out the latest jobs on the board and look for your next 40%. You may find your next 100% new job. 🌻 Erin

New on the Job Board

  *   China Studies Librarian<>, George Washington University
  *   Supervisory Archivist (Head of Archives)<>, National Museum of American History
  *   Reference Librarian (American history emphasis)<>, Library of Congress
  *   Resource Management Librarian<>, NYU Health Sciences Library
  *   Cataloging and Systems Librarian<>, Philadelphia Museum of Art
  *   Digitization Coordinator<>, University of Kansas
  *   Director of Library Technology Services<>, Tufts University

Erin O’Donnell, MMC
Outreach and Engagement Associate
🍅 Based in Basking Ridge, NJ
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
Arlington, VA<>  | @clirnews<> |<> | sign-up for the job board digest<>


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