

Hello all,

Please join us for our upcoming, quarterly NDSA Infrastructure Interest Group call, scheduled on:
Monday, December 19 at 3pm ET/12pm PT on Zoom.


  *   Our December call with follow the format of a “solution room,” where attendees can introduce a topic on a specific project or challenge at their organization and gain feedback from the group. Please think about recent challenges you’ve encountered, or perhaps ones you anticipate in 2023! We’ll take time to brainstorm on potential solutions and helpful ideas for these.
  *   Looking forward to seeing everyone at our final meeting of the year!

Call-in info:

  *   Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
     *   Meeting ID: 745 482 656
     *   password: DLFzoom
     *   US: +1-646-876-9923 or +1-669-900-6833 or +1-408-740-3766
     *   Find your local number:
     *   International numbers available:
  *   Our running meeting notes for 2022 can be found here:
  *   Infrastructure Interest Group main page:<>
  *   Meeting recordings are available on YouTube:

All best,
Eric Lopatin & Robin Ruggaber
NDSA Infrastructure Interest Group co-chairs

Eric Lopatin | Product Manager, Digital Preservation
California Digital Library | University of California Curation Center (UC3)


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