

Greetings colleagues,

The Integrating Preservation Functionality into ePADD (or ePADD+) project is wrapping up, and our team is excited to share the final results of our work with the community. Please join us on 19 January 2023 from 11-12:30 pm ET / 4-5:30 GMT for a presentation of the project deliverables, a demonstration of the newest ePADD release, and an exercise in building a community roadmap. We will also put out the call to join our newly formed ePADD Steering Group and ePADD Code Group to help us shape the future of ePADD.

Information to join the virtual meeting is in the attached calendar invitation. This event will be recorded for those that cannot attend.

ePADD is a free and open source software originally developed by Stanford Libraries Department of Special Collections and University Archives. It uses natural language processing and machine learning to support archival appraisal, processing, discovery, and delivery for email records of historical or cultural value. The ePADD+ project is a collaboration between Harvard Library, the University of Manchester, and Stanford Libraries to enhance ePADD with support for the long-term preservation of email records. This project is graciously supported by the Email Archives: Building Capacity and Community regrant program, administered by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Merry 2023,

Tricia, ePADD+ co-project manager

Tricia Patterson (she/her/hers)
Senior Digital Preservation Specialist
Harvard University

90 Mt. Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
+1 617/496-4747

Champions of Curiosity


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