

Hi all,

The Call for Contributions will close on March 3, 2023, 12:00 AM (CT). You can submit your contribution here:

The symposium will explore the current state of email archiving and reflect on future opportunities for progress. We welcome contributions on all aspects of email archiving including:

  *   Discovery and uses of email archives

  *   Social and cultural value of email records and collections

  *   Email management and retention policies and practices

  *   Technologies for managing email archives

  *   Outstanding community needs and future developments

  *   Email as a resource for research and scholarship

For more information about the submission process, please visit

PS. Registration will open soon, so keep on the lookout!

*Apologies for cross-posting*


Ruby Lorraine Martinez
Email Archives Community Fellow
Office of Digital Strategies
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


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