Dear all,

Registration for the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Annual Conference and Showcase, taking place June 5-8, 2023 in Naples, Italy, will close on May 16th. If you are planning to attend, we encourage you to register soon! 

The IIIF Showcase (June 5) is free to attend and aimed at newcomers to IIIF and locals. Pre-registration is required and space is limited to the first 150 registrants. Attendees will receive an introduction to IIIF, including an overview of what it does, use cases, how a wide variety of institutions implement it, and how to contribute to the community.

The IIIF Annual Conference (June 6-8) is intended for a wide range of participants and interested parties, including digital image repository managers, content curators, software developers, scholars, and administrators at libraries, museums, cultural heritage institutions, software firms, and other organizations working with digital images and audio/visual materials. Discounted tickets are available to IIIF Consortium members.

A link to register, as well as information regarding travel and accommodations, can be found on the conference page:

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with any questions.

Caitlin Perry
Community & Communications Coordinator
International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Consortium
Based in Oyster Bay, NY

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