Hello, everyone! I am excited to announce that this year's VuFind® Summit will be held as part of WOLFcon 2023<https://openlibraryfoundation.org/about/wolfcon/upcoming/> from August 22-24, 2023. While some presentations and meetings will take place in person at WOLFcon, free virtual participation will be possible, and we will aim to schedule as many events as possible between 13:00-16:00 UTC/GMT to maximize international participation. I encourage people to attend in person if they can – I’ll be there and would love to see you – but it is also possible to participate in VuFind® events remotely and free of cost, so please don’t let the in-person registration fees hold you back if they pose an obstacle. As in past years, we’re interested in sharing VuFind®-related content cover topics such as: * Development Tools / Best Practices * Technical “Deep Dives” (covering VuFind® code, tools or dependencies) * Briefings on Noteworthy VuFind® Instances * Project Management and Sustainability * DevOps * Testing * Accessibility …but please don’t feel limited by that list – if a VuFind® user might find a topic interesting, we’ll consider including it in our program! Don’t delay, because the WOLFcon submission form closes on June 5! You can find the full Call for Papers here, which includes some important notes on submitting within the WOLFcon submission framework: https://vufind.org/wiki/community:conferences:summit_2023:cfp You can submit your proposal here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVgfxdSfzCp6v7SJXJmvoksSijR24uXMfqKnsQQ6ct_oeFPg/viewform You can learn more about WOLFcon (and register) here: https://openlibraryfoundation.org/about/wolfcon/upcoming/ …and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me! - Demian