Hello all ~ ITHAKA, the non-profit that brought you JSTOR, is hiring a Senior Manager for Digital Humanities Outreach. The position is integrated into our Outreach team (the staff who talk to librarians about ITHAKA services) and will work very closely with Constellate (constellate.org). Constellate helps users across all disciplines learn essential text analysis and data skills. ITHAKA is an established, not-for-profit organization and Constellate is a dynamic start-up within it - giving you the best of all worlds. You may read more about the position and apply here: https://www.ithaka.org/job/4247846005/?gh_jid=4247846005 Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have questions about ITHAKA (I've been here 26 years) or Constellate! All the best. ~ Amy -- Amy J. Kirchhoff (she/her) Constellate<https://constellate.org/> Sr. Manager / ITHAKA Twitter: @AmyPlusFour Constellate is the only text & data analysis platform that integrates access to scholarly content and open educational resources into a cloud-based application and lab to help faculty, librarians, and other instructors easily teach text and data analysis. Take your research further with text and data analysis skills!