


The Email Archiving Symposium program is now available and packed with exhilarating sessions you won’t want to miss!   

Join us online from June 13 to June 15! We’ll be showcasing project results from the Email Archiving: Building Capacity and Community regrant program, along with highlighting ongoing work from the global community!  


Email archiving is a developing field, and the goal of the symposium is to share the growth that has taken place over the last few years. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in email archiving, connect with other professionals in the field, and contribute to the growing understanding of this important area. The symposium will include project briefings, panels, workshops, discussions, and more!  


[Register now for EA:BCC’s ‘Email Archiving Symposium’ event from June 13 - June 15] 


We look forward to seeing you there!  

*Apologies for cross posting*

Ruby Lorraine Martinez
Email Archives Community Fellow 
Office of Digital Strategies 


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