

If copyright is an issue that you frequently address in your work, I encourage you to sign up for the last two sessions of the Open Copyright Education Network (OCEAN). In May, I attended their first session focused on the Internet Archive lawsuit ruling and found that their 50-minute session explained more about the case and its potential impact on libraries than any news item I found online. OCEAN's last two sessions are at the end of June and July, so register soon! 💼 Erin P.S. The digest and I are taking a short vacation next week, so look for the next digest on July 6. 

New on the Job Board

Erin O’Donnell, MMC

Outreach and Engagement Associate

Based in Basking Ridge, NJ

Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), Arlington, VA

Please note my remote office work week is Monday – Thursday | | sign-up for the job board digest

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