

Registration now open for 'Getting Started with Advocacy for Digital Preservation in Museums and Galleries' training

Wednesday 12 July 2023 and Thursday 13 July 2023

7.00 - 8.30am UTC or 02.30 - 04.00pm UTC

Registration is now open for the 'Getting Started with Advocacy for Digital Preservation in Museums and Galleries' training which will be delivered in two short instructor-led blocks on 12th and 13th July, with timing options designed to be suitable for attendees around the world.

Open to all, and free to attend for DPC Members, this workshop comprises a series of presentations, interactive workshops and self-study.

Aimed at helping provide attendees with skills and ideas for identifying stakeholders and champions required to affect change, it includes ways to showcase digital preservation as an indispensable service within museums and galleries and provides resources to help support organizational advocacy activities.

Find out more and register:

Getting Started with Advocacy for Digital Preservation in Museums and Galleries<> (timed for attendees in the UK and the Americas)


Getting Started with Advocacy for Digital Preservation in Museums and Galleries<> (timed for attendees in Africa, AustralAsia, Asia Pacific and Europe)


*Apologies for cross-posting*

Kind regards/Met vriendelijke groet,

Angela Puggioni
Community Engagement Manager

Digital Preservation Coalition

Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Twitter: @AngelaP_DPC

Work days: Monday through Friday

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