

Hi all,

Sharing this call for chapter proposals for a forthcoming title from
Library Juice Press. Please share with your networks!

Call for Chapter Proposals

Working Title: *Platform Power and Libraries*
Editors: Christine F. Smith
Submission Deadline: 16 August 2023
Publisher: Library Juice Press

Chapter submissions are welcome to be published in the forthcoming Platform
Power and Libraries
<>, an edited
volume to be published by Library Juice Press.

Book Description:

Building on research in critical library systems studies, Platform Power
and Libraries <>
to traverse the divide between library, communication, and cultural policy
research in the realm of platform studies. Organized through the model of
what Nielsen and Ganter (2022) call “the five most important aspects of
platform power” this book will dissect the power dynamics inherently
embedded to platforms that library practitioners and patrons must navigate.

   1. “The power to set standards” to which others have to abide
      1. Exploitative or precarious labour to support platforms used in
      2. “Digital resignation” in libraries (see Draper &amp; Truro, 2019)
      3. Fair use/dealing, copyright, and contract law

      2. “The power to make or break connections”
      1. Relevancy ranking, algorithmic impact on research discoverability
      in ILS, databases, etc.
      2. Power dynamics in describing people

      3. “The power of automated action at scale”
      1. Private corporation control on available resources, including
      monopolies, investment portfolios, mergers and acquisitions, discontinued
      products, etc.

      4. “The power of information asymmetry”
      1. Platform power and agendas for disinformation
      2. Platform power at the expense of libraries, research, and access
      to cultural artifacts

      5. “The power to operate across domains”
      1. Platform governance, especially as a digital manifestation of the
      globalization’s impact on libraries
      2. Patron and library surveillance and privacy
      3. Data ownership, brokering and sovereignty

The intended audience of this work includes technical service, e-resource,
and systems librarians; library administrators and funding bodies; as well
as other academics and researchers in the realms of communication,
technology, and political sciences.

Proposals should include the following:

   1. An abstract of no more than 500 words clearly explaining the
   objectives of the chapter
   2. A brief author biography. Both individual and co-authored pieces are


   - August 16, 2023: proposals due
   - September 30, 2023: notification of acceptance
   - January 31, 2024: full chapter drafts due
   - February to June 2024: Review and revision period
   - August 2024: Expected publication date

Additional questions can be sent to Christine Smith
<[log in to unmask]>

Draper, N. A., & Turow, J. (2019). The corporate cultivation of digital
resignation. *New Media & Society*, 21(8), 1824–1839.

Nielsen, R. K., &amp; Ganter, S. A. (2022). *The Power of Platforms:
Shaping Media and Society*. Oxford University Press.
Ariana Varela (she/her)
Marketing Coordinator

Library Juice Academy
PO Box 188784
Sacramento, CA 95818-8784