

Streamlining Library Workflows and Processes - September 12 & 14, 2023, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm CDT

A well-run library depends on established processes and workflows to get work done. But this can also raise the risk of doing things "because that's how it's always been done." Identify and eliminate redundant and time-consuming tasks, automate repetitive processes, and prioritize essential activities using workflow analyses, process mapping, task prioritization, and automation tools. Form a plan for the continuous evaluation of processes and workflows resulting in improved service quality and enhanced user satisfaction.

Learning objectives for this session include:
• Recognizing when to add, update, or create new processes and workflows
• Visualizing how processes are connected to construct workflows
• Developing and implementing a process improvement plan

Amigos Member Fee: $180.00
Non-member Fee: $360.00

Register by Sept. 8:

Introduction to Project Management - September 26 & 27, 2023, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT

Every project is unique, with varying scope, resources, and requirements. But project management skills and strategies remain largely consistent, providing the framework to keep things on time and under budget. Gain a clearer picture of the project manager's role in the conception, planning, execution, control, and completion of a project.

Learning objectives for this session include:
• Demonstrating a basic understanding of project management and the role of the project manager
• Formulating a project plan and workflow structure
• Maintaining a project timeline, communications, and budget
• Evaluating project management tools and software

Amigos Member Fee: $180.00
Non-member Fee: $360.00

Register by Sept 22:

View our entire training schedule: