


We have barcodes embedded in a number of the "letters" (i.e. receipts) that Alma sends to patrons or ILL offices, but those barcodes are for material IDs that are normally input via barcode scanner and are referenced in the XSLT of the letter as a .PNG.  IOW, Alma holds/constructs an image of a barcode for the ID of the materials and makes it available to the email/receipt.  We have recently added/changed a letter to include another, long-number-string, ID and would like to have a barcode displayed for it as well.  Otherwise, someone has to read and manually enter the string which greatly increases the chance of error.

I assume we can't convince Alma to construct a barcode image for any old number string, so we will need to modify the XSLT code of the letter to display that string in a barcode font.  This letter will be printed from specific machines, so it will be possible to ensure the font is installed, but I don't know how to embed the HTML/CSS code necessary into XSLT.  

Does anyone know how to do that?  


Erich Hammer            Head of Library Systems
[log in to unmask]         University Libraries
518-442-3891              University @ Albany

"Beliefs are what divide people. Doubt unites them."
                                     -- Peter Ustinov