If part of your work is to gauge the impact of your digital collections, I highly recommend you check out the D-CRAFT, the Digital Content Reuse Assessment Framework Toolkit created by the Content Reuse Working Group, which is part of the DLF Assessment Interest working group. It is a series of easy to follow video resources that can help anyone assess how users engage with, repurpose, or transform unique materials and data from your digital libraries, archives, and repositories. This is also a plug for the DLF working groups. They do cool things like this toolkit, it is free to join, and they look great on resumes! Before you sign up for three groups, check out the latest jobs and have a great day.  🛠️ Erin

New on the Job Board


Erin O’Donnell

Outreach and Engagement Associate

Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)

Please note my remote office hours are Monday – Thursday

clir.org | job board | sign up for clir news

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