

Hi Everyone,


As a member of the GLAM Diversity subgroup of the Digital Library Federation’s Committee on Equity and Inclusion (DLF CEI), I am pleased to share with the community our final report “DEI Efforts Across GLAM Organizations.”  This document provides an analysis and summary of the 224 responses to our April 2022 survey asking individuals to share information about DEI activities at their GLAMs, i.e. those efforts related to anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion across all the organization’s activities.  We hope that the findings and recommendations offered here provide a starting point for additional research and will support the GLAM community in achieving greater equity in our institutions and with the services those institutions provide.





Lisa Schiff, Ph.D. (she/her) (hear name)

Associate Director

Publishing, Archives, and Digitization

California Digital Library

University of California, Office of the President | @lschiff | @[log in to unmask]

eScholarship | Calisphere | Online Archive of California


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