

Dear all,

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made its newest resource 'Digital Preservation Documentation: a guide' available on general release today, following an exclusive Member preview. 

The guide is the result of a series of focus groups the DPC held with its members to gather together advice, guidance and case studies on digital preservation documentation. The resulting publication encapsulates the wisdom shared by DPC members and provides practical tips on how to move forward with documentation.


DPC´s Head of Good Practice and Standards Jenny Mitcham, who has been leading this project, talked about the creation of the guide earlier today at the iPRES 2023 conference, saying: "I first heard DPC Members mention that additional guidance was needed around documentation back at one of our 'RAM Jam' events a couple of years ago, so it was great to be able to follow through with this piece of work - first bringing members together to discuss the topic of documentation and then pulling all that useful information together into a guide. I'd like to thank all those who shared their own experiences and contributed to the creation of the guide."

Providing resources like the Documentation Guide is just one of the ways the DPC supports the digital preservation community. An international charitable foundation and advocate for digital preservation, the Coalition helps its members around the world to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services through community engagement, targeted advocacy work, training and workforce development, capacity building, good practice and standards, and through good management and governance.

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With apologies for cross-posting

Kind regards/Met vriendelijke groet,

Angela Puggioni
Community Engagement Manager

Digital Preservation Coalition

Email: [log in to unmask]

Twitter: @AngelaP_DPC

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