

Hello Everyone,

I'm interested in getting information about the details and practicalities of laptop loan programs. Anything you can share that's working or not would be appreciated. If you have comments on just some of the topics below that would be great. Additionally, if you get any input from your IT staff about any of these things that is great too. I'm happy to post a summary to the list.

Here are some categories I'm interested in hearing about.

Funding / budget

Software supplied / admin access / management tools

Processes and time spent when a laptop is returned

Loan rules / circulation / fines and fees

Partnerships with other departments / role of Library / role of IT

Number of computers vs. patron population / % of laptops checked out / # of lost or damaged computers

Success stories.

Anything else?

Contact of anyone who would be willing to chat more about this.

Thanks so much!

Ann Kucera (she, hers)
Manager of Library Systems
Adobe Digital Lounge Coordinator
Park Library 204A  |  Central Michigan University  |  Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
P: 989-774-2404  |  E: [log in to unmask]