Hello colleagues,

In commemoration of World Digital Preservation Day #WDPD2023, the Software Preservation Network’s Community Engagement Collaborative is pleased to announce a new event - The Idea Workshop! 

The event will take place on Thursday, November 2 at 15:00 UTC (see your local time here). 

Register now to attend: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqceurpjgqEtLOUbA5opn3YPfB1mEe_84y 

The Idea Workshop is a place for people to pitch their ideas, plans, and projects related to software preservation in order to receive feedback and to find collaborators to help bring those ideas to life!

Whether you have the seeds of an idea, you are halfway through an on-going project, or simply want to help, we hope you will join us in what will surely be an exciting event!

Your Facilitators

We look forward to having you at the Software Preservation Network Idea Workshop on November 2nd!

With best wishes,

Jess, on behalf of the SPN Community Engagement Collaborative

The SPN Community Engagement Collaborative occasionally invites our colleagues across professional and disciplinary communities to participate in an hour-long public discussion on topics related to software curation, preservation, and reuse. Join SPN to access more frequent conversations on software preservation!

SUBSCRIBE to the Software Preservation Network listserv and STACKTRACE: Software Preservation Network Newsletter to keep up with SPN. As a Software Preservation Network (SPN) subscriber, you will also receive announcements regarding upcoming software preservation and reuse-related events and resources.

Jess Farrell | she/her/hers
Community Facilitator
Educopia Institute

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