Dear all,

2nd November marks World Digital Preservation Day 2023As we send this message out to you, it is 8 am in New Zealand, and officially World Digital Preservation Day (WDPD2023)!

With the theme Digital Preservation: A Concerted Effort, WDPD2023 connects the digital preservation community today while we celebrate the positive impact digital preservation has had in another year where digital information and infrastructure have been so instrumental in supporting all parts of our global society. 

“Taking digital preservation to the next level takes time and actively working together with colleagues, partner institutions, developers, friends and other community members,” explains Angela Puggioni, Community Engagement Manager for the DPC. “That’s why, this year, we wanted to celebrate great collaborations and draw attention to the importance of teamwork… because, in the words of this year’s WDPD theme: "No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it[1]!” 

Organized by the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and supported by digital preservation networks around the globe, World Digital Preservation Day - always on the first Thursday in November - is open to participation across all regions and sectors, from anyone interested in securing a sustainable future for our digital assets. Data creators, curators, and consumers from around the world are invited to showcase how their own digital preservation activities contribute towards the Concerted Effort of digital preservation through blog posts, social media posts, events and creative activities, sharing with the online community with the hashtag #WDPD2023. A list of global WDPD2023 events happening around the world is posted on the DPC website.

As part of the World Digital Preservation Day program the DPC will launch a new edition of the Bit List of Endangered Digital Species in a special Launch Event at 1100-1200 UTC, as well as more translations of DPC resources. Check the DPC website and on social media throughout the day for updates on these exciting releases!

WDPD2023 is just one of the ways the Digital Preservation Coalition helps raise awareness of the global strategic, cultural and technological issues which make up the digital preservation challenge. The Coalition also supports its international members through other advocacy activities, workforce development, capacity-building and partnership; helping members to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services and derive enduring value from their digital collections. 

For more details about World Digital Preservation Day visit the event page on the DPC website, and follow the hashtag #WDPD2023 on social media for updates throughout the day. 

Happy World Digital Preservation Day!!


[1] quote by H.E. Luccock

apologies for cross-posting

Kind regards/Met vriendelijke groet,

Angela Puggioni
Community Engagement Manager

Digital Preservation Coalition

Email: [log in to unmask]

Twitter: @AngelaP_DPC

Work days: Monday through Friday

Find out more about #WDPD2023 on

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