

Hello all,
After a couple of months of reading very interesting posts on this list it is now my turn.
Though not a programmer, I do interact with the API of our library platform so have a grasp of the basics involved in making requests.

In order to make PUT and POST requests to the API of our library platform, often involving 100s of items, I have been using Postman. I prepare the body of the requests with metadata attributes (in JSON) using variables for metadata values. I have csv with the metadata values themselves for each item. Then I run the request/s through the Runner feature that loops the request/s, using the csv data.
This works well, but I am coming up against the Postman Runner limit of 30 a month. 30 seems like a lot but I am still slightly in the learning phase so sometimes use up runs with failed tests.

My question is, are there any alternatives to this useful feature? I only use this part of Postman really, and I don't know if I can justify an upgrade to a paid plan for just this.
Many thanks, Ffion

Ffion Bell

Associate Editor

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea<>

H.C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46

1553 Copenhagen V. Denmark
