In early March, I experienced how being brave can open doors to unexpected opportunities. Despite singing for years, I have always been intimidated by karaoke. I know, I know...karaoke? A bit ridiculous, but my internal perfection monster just wouldn't allow for sounding, well...ridiculous. Thanks to new karaoke-loving friends, I found myself singing the night away at a holiday party last year. A couple weeks later, our friends asked if I would sing at a local event. Next thing I knew, I was on a stage, singing with a band. Why do I share this story? To encourage you to be brave in your job hunt. Stepping out of your comfort zone, networking, pursuing opportunities that seem beyond your grasp, and perhaps asking for help, could lead to individuals or organizations willing to assist you on your career journey. So, take that brave step and check out the latest jobs on the board! 🎤 Erin


Erin O’Donnell

Outreach and Engagement Associate

Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)

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