---------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS Conference: VuFind Leipzig 2024: Future Discoveries Dates: September 30 – October 1, 2024 Location: Leipzig University Library, Germany Website: https://www.ub.uni-leipzig.de/en/about-us/events/vufind-leipzig-2024-future-discoveries/ Submission Form: https://forms.gle/F7mxpEgHEJYFrmPh6 Submission Deadline: June 3, 2024 → Now extended until June 21, 2024! ---------------------- We welcome you to contribute to the VuFind® Leipzig 2024 conference, taking place on September 30 and October 1, 2024! The event will combine the VuFind® Summit and the German VuFind®-Anwendertreffen at the Leipzig University Library in Germany. For over a decade, discovery systems have been the cornerstone of library technology, fulfilling users' information needs by searching through their collections. These systems have undergone continuous enhancement to meet new challenges, transforming into exceptionally effective tools for researchers, students, and the broader community. E. g. with the recent emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI), questions have arisen regarding the relationship between discovery systems and AI, and how these systems can adapt to address these questions effectively. At the forthcoming VuFind® Leipzig 2024 conference, our aim is to host a forum for discussing the latest advancements in library discovery systems, with a primary focus on VuFind®. However, we also welcome insights and contributions on any other discovery solutions – whether you are utilizing VuFind®, Primo, Lukida, Blacklight, EDS, etc. Thus main topics of interest include – but are not limited to: * Latest developments, deep dives into VuFind®’s software architecture, best practices, lessons learned, etc. * UX/UI, accessibility, multi language support (e. g. RTL) * German speaking/DACH-countries specific VuFind® issues (Germany, Austria and Switzerland), e. g. extensions for “Fachinformationsdienste” * Integration with library systems, such as FOLIO, Alma, Koha * Discovery systems/Future discoveries: integration of generative AI, personalisation of search results, customisation of the user experience to individual preferences, … * Community management and governance, funding strategies and sustainability We encourage submissions primarily in the form of talks or interactive training. Lightning talks will be organized during the event and do not need registration in advance. Virtual participation will be possible and in-person attendance is not required. To maximize international participation, we will try to schedule as many sessions as possible between 1pm and 4pm GMT. Contributions in English language are welcome. Take the chance to present your expertise and engage with fellow professionals! We look forward to receiving your submissions before June 21, 2024 at 11:59pm GMT. For further information please refer to the VuFind® Leipzig 2024 conference webpage: https://www.ub.uni-leipzig.de/en/about-us/events/vufind-leipzig-2024-future-discoveries/ or contact us via [log in to unmask] -- André Lahmann Wissenschaftlicher Bibliothekar im Bereich Digitale Dienste Leiter AG VuFind Fachreferent Mathematik und Informatik Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig Ritterstraße 12, 04109 Leipzig Universitätsstraße 3, 04109 Leipzig T +49 341 97 30679 T +49 341 97 30642 [log in to unmask]