*TCB: Technical Services in Religion and Theology* <https://serials.atla.com/tcb/index> is seeking applications for the positions of editor and editor-in-chief. *TCB *publishes first-person narratives on experiences, processes, projects, or trends related to cataloging, acquisitions, collection management, and other areas of technical services. Additionally, *TCB *offers reviews of open source and proprietary software used in library technical services. These sections are in addition to information about new and changed Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and Library of Congress Classification (LCC) numbers in religion and theology, as well as announcements about upcoming training opportunities, recently published articles, and other information of interest to technical services staff. For full descriptions of both positions, please visit our Service Opportunities page <https://www.atla.com/service_opportunities/>. To apply, please send a cover letter of interest and a current CV or resume containing your contact information to [log in to unmask] Please indicate “TCB Editor” in the subject line. Applications must be submitted by May 31, 2024. *Christa Strickler, MLIS, MA* Editor-in-Chief of *TCB: Technical Services in Religion & Theology* [log in to unmask] *Collection Metadata Integrity & Management Librarian * *Hesburgh Libraries* *University of Notre Dame* 418 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 *o: *(574) 631-9545 *e: *[log in to unmask]