Hello, NDSA Community, This is a final reminder that the Call for Proposals closes Wednesday, May 15 at 11:59pm ET, for the virtual DLF Forum, happening online October 22-23. Read about the CFP<https://forum2024.diglib.org/submit/> and submit your proposal before it’s too late. The proposal submission form is intentionally lightweight to encourage participation from as many folks as possible in digital libraries and allied fields and in all levels of their careers. Accepted presenters will be guaranteed a registration spot at the Forum at a reduced rate. If you have questions, reach the team at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. We hope to see you online this fall. All best, Team DLF ----------- Aliya Reich | she/her/hers Program Manager for Conferences and Events 🦀 Based in Baltimore, MD Digital Library Federation (DLF)<https://www.diglib.org/> Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)<https://www.clir.org/> 1800 Diagonal Rd, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314 My weekly schedule is Monday-Thursday. ######################################################################## to manage your NDSA-ALL subscription, visit ndsa.org/ndsa-all