

Please join LC Labs as we conclude the Computing Cultural Heritage in the Cloud (CCHC) grant, awarded to the Library of Congress in 2019 by the Mellon Foundation.

At the event, we will describe the lessons of the grant, designed to help us investigate a model for enabling discovery, investigation, and visualization of Library materials in new and innovative ways. We'll also share two new outcomes of the grant:

  *   A colorful new comic created by Jer Thorp and Jonathan Ashley that explores the exciting and complex world of collections as data.
  *   The redesigned, where we will begin sharing Library of Congress' free-to-use exploratory data packages, a data publishing format that combines normalized metadata, metadata enrichments, media files, standardized documentation, narrative context, and code samples.

CCHC has allowed the Library's Digital Innovation Division (LC Labs) to take a significant leap forward in facilitating computational research with Library materials and creating a long-lasting foundation for this work to continue. We hope you'll join us!

Jun 21, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:30PM EDT on Zoom
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Laurie Allen
Chief, Digital Innovation Division | @LC_Labs | she/her
Digital Strategy, Office of the Chief Information Officer
Library of Congress
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