

 REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Three Upcoming VRA Fall Workshops🍁🍂🍎

Learning to Look and Looking to Learn: A Workshop on Visual Literacy (ONLINE)
Instructors: Jessica Sack and Rachel Thompson
Friday, October 25th // 3:00-7:00 PM EDT (Zoom workshop)
$65 for non-members / $50 for members

As we now work in hybrid settings—in person and online—there is an increasing challenge to develop visual literacy skills of both educators and students, uniquely positioning those who work with visual media to provide necessary visual literacy training and instruction. This two-part workshop will provide participants with the tools to develop and implement visual literacy instruction within their professional practice both in person and using online platforms such as Zoom. Part one of this workshop will focus on visual literacy skills and pedagogical approaches by using Zoom to engage with objects from museums, libraries, and archives. Part two will focus on ways for participants to apply these pedagogies to their own work and institutions. Participants will discuss and develop ways to implement and evaluate their own visual literacy programs as well as how digital archives, art objects, and other primary sources can be used by staff, students, and faculty. The question of what it means to teach from collections within a range of professional perspectives–including from information, museum, and education contexts—will also be addressed.

More information about Learning to Look and Looking to Learn

Register now!


Project Management Workshop, hosted by Emory University, Atlanta, GA (IN PERSON)
Instructor: Cristela Garcia-Spitz
Friday, November 15, 2024, at Emory University - Pitts Theology Library / 9:30am-4:30pm EST
$135 for non-members / $115 for members

While project management offers an array of tools and techniques, how do we lead with a people-centered approach? Digital scholarship increasingly requires work across distributed, cross-functional teams. This workshop will cover how to use hybrid methods to meet the needs of specific projects, grounded in community.

The morning will consist of project management basics and an overview of different methodologies and tools. This section will include practical considerations and scenarios.   In the afternoon, we will focus on project management in practice and share lessons learned from existing projects. Participants are encouraged to bring their own projects to the discussion.

Collectively, participants will discuss how to think about the impact of their work and how to build systems of care that can empower their communities.

More information about Project Management

Register now!


Events Made Easy (ONLINE)
Instructors: Tess Colwell and Alexandra O’Keefe 
Thursday and Friday, November 21 & 22 (Two-Part Zoom Workshop) //  3:00-5:00 PM EST both days
$65 for non-members / $50 for members

Hosting events for libraries and special collections is a key part of outreach to patrons but can be overwhelming and challenging depending on resources such as staff time, funding, and partnerships. In this workshop, participants will learn step-by-step how to use a simple framework to maximize limited resources, serve their community through events, and generate positive attention from stakeholders. This process includes developing a holistic strategy tailored to their specific community, creating a standardized outreach plan based on their institution’s procedures, and ultimately streamlining their programming efforts.

The instructors are from different art library backgrounds (one large academic and one art and design school) with event-planning expertise that is demonstrated in their joint research and work outcomes. They will introduce a customizable toolkit they designed using freely available tools which can be used in any collection’s context. Ideally, participants will bring one event idea to the workshop (but will have time between sessions one and two to create one if needed).

During the workshop, the instructors will walk participants through a series of hands-on, solo and collaborative activities to plan an event step-by-step using the framework while integrating GLAM scholarship about best practices in the field. The workflow participants will walk through includes audience identification, creative practitioner consideration, budget application, promotional material creation, action item generation, day-of-event execution, post-event evaluation, and thorough documentation to share with administration. Participants will leave the workshop with one complete event plan for their library or collection, a community of event-planning peers for future support, and a variety of resources to enact a sustainable events program at their institutions beyond this event.

Learning Objectives
Evaluate their community’s needs in order to generate outreach plan with individual events
Compose marketing materials such as emails, flyers, and event copy for a target audience
Utilize an existing, sustainable event management framework and apply it to their institution
Create a customized template for individual events that includes event planning logistics, marketing checklists, resource evaluation, post-event assessment, and overall documentation.

More information about Events Made Easy

Register now!


If you have any questions, please send an email to the Regional Workshop Implementation Team at [log in to unmask].

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