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CODE4LIB  August 2007

CODE4LIB August 2007


Re: hosting


Jeremy Frumkin <[log in to unmask]>


Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 1 Aug 2007 22:08:00 -0700





text/plain (134 lines)

So, I believe that a lot of the issues Dan raises need to be addressed, and
I believe weıll address them in time. They really are more about the overall
governance of the code4lib website (and maybe of code4lib overall), and our
responsibilities and duties. These kinds of decisions take time, and it is
quite possible in the long-term weıll decide there is a particular hosting
service that works best for other than the current shared
server or than OSU.

In the meantime, I must disagree with Ross and state that I believe there is
at least one pressing need to get the server back up ASAP ­ the c4l
conference. I need to move forward in the planning and relating the info on
the conference, and that is, at least in part, hindered without the server
being up and running.

What I believe everyone is stating (implicitly, at least) is that we all now
feel the need for a stable and secure host which will allow for
all of our code4lib goodness to exude unhindered.

So, the one point that I donıt understand Dan is what you see as the
advantage of having c4l hosted at ibiblio is as opposed to OSU? I donıt
believe there are any technical advantages (we already support most of the
current c4l software, such as Drupal and trac, here at OSU, and whatever
accounts / access is requested by the c4l community will be available).

Let me ask directly ­ is there a continued concern about having a university
donate hosting services? I want to reiterate that we are offering our
services, but not looking to obtain any sort of control whatsoever over the
site ­ the site will still be run by the code4lib community, and if there
ever was an issue around this, could easily be moved elsewhere (again, as
decided by the c4l community).

I guess, unless Iım missing something, Iım saying that we did decide to come
up with a proposal for how to migrate the site over to being hosted here at
OSU, and unless there is a truly compelling reason to re-visit that
decision, Iıd like to go ahead and move forward with the proposal and work
to getting the site up and stable ASAP. Even if we want to move things
elsewhere (like ibiblio) longterm, there is nothing to prevent that, but Iıd
like to get things moving....

-- jaf

On 8/1/07 8:50 PM, "D Chudnov" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> On 8/1/07, Ross Singer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> > > 1.  Why isn't the site already back up (at minimum)?
>> >
>> > Eh, what?  We have offsite backups, yes.  What we don't have are:
>> > 1) anywhere to put them back to
>> > 2) a plan to proceed once something is back up
>> > 3) the resources to dedicate to get running as it was
>> > (temporarily, I might add), as in somebody that has the time to do the
>> > work (remember, we didn't even have time to keep it up to date in the
>> > first place)
>> > 4) a hugely pressing need (we're not, after all, in the middle of the
>> > eponymous conference)
> 1) we could have found someplace
> 2) this is a problem either way
> 3) this is a problem either way
> 4) a few days' downtime is one thing - a few weeks' is another.
>>> > > 2.  Are there offsite backups of the site - its files
>>> > > and database?
>>> > >
>> > Yes, and they live on my machine at work.
> Let's set up a second backup of your backup?  I'll take a copy, and
> add another to s3 for safer-keeping.
>>> > > 3.  The discussion seemed to only involve one proposal.  There wasn't
>>> > > a call for any other proposals, and it wasn't clear to me that by
>>> > > missing this meeting (i was at a gathering with several other people
>>> > > with an interest in anvil and other things c4l) that I would miss out
>>> > > on any opportunity to have input.  I'd like to propose a different
>>> > > hosting plan.  Shouldn't there be a chance for more discussion here?
>> >
>> > Who's stopping you?  We announced a 'town hall meeting', nobody
>> > publicly dissented on the mailing list.  We're 'discussing' now,
>> > you're complaining but not articulating an alternative.  You mentioned
>> > ibiblio in channel, but until something tangible is offered, the
>> > Oregon State offer meets the 'one in hand is worth two in the bush'
>> > criteria.
> Nobody is stopping me.  I was offline all weekend, and busy otherwise,
> and it wasn't clear to me whether this was a done deal already.
> I'm not complaining, I'm just seeking clarification.  In a
> complainy-sounding way.
>>> > > I understand that some of these questions might seem to be coming a
>>> > > bit late, and I'm sorry to be in a position where my jerkiness is all
>>> > > the worse because of it.  But I still think these are questions that
>>> > > need answers.
>> >
>> > I don't think anything has been 'decided'.  We had a meeting, OSU
>> > stepped forward, nobody present objected. is still
>> > 'down'.
> I propose that we move hosting of to ibiblio if
> they'll have us.  They've been there for 15(+?) years, they are there
> for exactly this purpose, and they're not for-profit.  I've had good
> luck hosting things there, and they're liberal about accounts, so long
> as you don't prove to be an idiot.  To support this I'd be happy to
> sign up for support duties.
> Separately I can bring up an emergency/temporary backup of the
> site if it is not otherwise possible before the end
> of the week.  I'm in transit all day tomorrow, but let me know by
> first thing friday
>   -Dan

-- jaf

Jeremy Frumkin
The Gray Chair for Innovative Library Services
121 The Valley Library, Oregon State University
Corvallis OR 97331-4501
[log in to unmask]
541.737.3453 (Fax)
541.230.4483 (Cell)
" Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. "
- Emerson

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