Thanks for the reply, Stuart. With the first question, I've updated the diagram to add an "Association" entity. (Technically, I don't think this is an entity but rather a specialization of a relationship.) This is based off some great work I saw at the NITRC. Take a look at the "Associations" section of these page:
This fits the use case you describe and that of modules that would be a part of a Drupal installation or how djatoka can be a component of several different projects.
Regarding the second question, I think of standards as a kind of "technology". I've added "standard" to the list of enumerations at
On Aug 3, 2011, at 7:06 PM, stuart yeates wrote:
> Two points:
> (1) The model seems appears not to capture "Project A builds on Project
> B" This will make the model less-than-optimal for comparing (for
> example) an open source Project A with an propriety Project B when B is
> a fork of A.
> (2) Standards. They appear not to be mentioned at all.
> cheers
> stuart
Peter Murray [log in to unmask] tel:+1-678-235-2955
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