Thanks, Kevin. This was obviously one heck of a project! Very impressive.
I looked at an entry in and in VIAF and couldn't
immediately see a connecting URI (browsing through the RDF/XML) -- is
there one, or are there plans to create those links between the two
vocabularies? Here are the records I was looking at:
RDF: (
RDF: (
Quoting "Ford, Kevin" <[log in to unmask]>:
> Announcement: New Vocabulary Data Added to LC Authorities and
> Vocabularies Service
> The Library of Congress is pleased to make available additional
> vocabularies from its Authorities and Vocabularies web service
> (ID.LOC.GOV), which provides access to Library of Congress standards
> and vocabularies as Linked Data. The new dataset is:
> * Library of Congress Name Authority File (LC/NAF)
> In addition, the service has been enhanced to provide separate
> access to the following datasets which have been a part of the LCSH
> dataset access:
> * Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms
> * Library of Congress Children's Headings
> The LC/NAF data are published in RDF using the MADS/RDF and SKOS/RDF
> vocabularies, as are the other datasets. Individual concepts are
> accessible at the ID.LOC.GOV web service via a web browser interface
> or programmatically via content-negotiation. The vocabulary data are
> available for bulk download in MADS and SKOS RDF (the Name file and
> main LCSH file will be available by Friday, August 12).
> **Please explore it for yourself at **
> Contact Us about ID:
> As always, your feedback is important and welcomed. Though we are
> interested in all forms of constructive commentary on all topics
> related to ID, we're particularly interested in how the data
> available from ID.LOC.GOV is used. Your contributions directly
> inform service enhancements.
> The addition of Names has resulted in considerable changes to the
> ID.LOC.GOV backend. Although we have endeavored to bring the
> service up with all pieces in place, please be patient as we work
> out any remaining "kinks".
> You can send comments or report any problems to us via the ID
> feedback form or ID listserv (see the web site).
> Background:
> The Authorities and Vocabularies web service was first made
> available in May 2009 and offered the Library of Congress Subject
> Headings (LCSH), the Library's initial entry into the Linked Data
> environment. In part by assigning each vocabulary and each data
> value within it a unique resource identifier (URI), the service
> provides a means for machines to semantically access, use, and
> harvest authority and vocabulary data that adheres to W3C
> recommendations, such as Simple Knowledge Organization System
> (SKOS), and the more detailed vocabulary MADS/RDF. In this way, the
> Authorities and Vocabularies web service also makes government data
> publicly and freely available in the spirit of the Open Government
> directive. Although the primary goal of the service is to enable
> machine access to Library of Congress data, a web interface serves
> human users searching and browsing the vocabularies. The new
> datasets join the term and code lists already available through the
> service:
> * Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
> * Thesaurus of Graphic Materials
> * MARC Code List for Relators
> * MARC Code List for Countries (which reference their equivalent ISO
> 3166 codes)
> * MARC Code List for Geographic Areas
> * MARC Code List for Languages (which have been cross referenced
> with ISO 639-1, 639-2, and 639-5, where appropriate)
> * PREMIS vocabularies for Cryptographic Hash Functions, Preservation
> Events, and Preservation Level Roles
> The above code lists also contain links with appropriate LCSH and
> LC/NAF headings. Additional vocabularies will be added in the
> future, including additional PREMIS controlled vocabularies.
> --
> Kevin Ford
> Digital Project Coordinator
> Network Development & MARC Standards Office
> Library of Congress
> 101 Independence Avenue, SE
> Washington, DC 20540-4402
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> Tel: 202 707 3526
Karen Coyle
[log in to unmask]
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet