With apologies for cross-posting...
This is a great year to seriously consider attending the LITA Forum. Follow
the links below.
Best regards,
Bonnie Buzzell, Senior Knowledge Systems Librarian
Integrated Technology Services, Brown University Library
10 Prospect Street - Box A, Providence, RI 02912
office 401-863-3599, home 401-751-6127, cell 401-487-0245
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: LITA <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:59 AM
Subject: LITA National Forum: Early Bird Rates Available Through August 15
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[image: LITA Forum 2011] [image:
Register Now<http://lita.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b211fe88d0ff1155e320fde9d&id=8bed55e73c&e=c55d0c0206>
Keynote Speakers<http://lita.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b211fe88d0ff1155e320fde9d&id=83df7cee62&e=c55d0c0206>
Concurrent Sessions<http://lita.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=b211fe88d0ff1155e320fde9d&id=6bac23952c&e=c55d0c0206>
Poster Sessions<http://lita.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=b211fe88d0ff1155e320fde9d&id=9ff2a01e1b&e=c55d0c0206>
Travel and Lodging
Join LITA in St. Louis for the National Forum
Save $50 when you take advantage of early-bird rates through August 15 for
the 2011 LITA National Forum, held September 29-October 2 in St. Louis, MO.
The LITA National Forum is a three-day educational event featuring
preconferences, keynote, concurrent, and poster sessions that explore
leading-edge technologies and their applications in all types of libraries.
Some of this year's highlights include:
- Dynamic keynote speakers, *John Blyberg, Karen Coyle, and Barbara
- Two full-day preconferences: *Learning to leverage Cloud-based IT
resources and server configuration software to better manage IT*,
presented by *Erik Mitchell* and *Technology Impact by Design: Using
Goal-Based Assessments to Achieve and Document Success*, presented by *Lisa
Janicke Hinchliffe.*You can attend a preconference only OR include a
preconference with your Forum registration
- Many *networking opportunities*, including the informal Friday evening
reception and Saturday evening networking dinners to get to know LITA
leaders, Forum speakers, and peers.
- In addition, up to twelve sponsors will be on hand to discuss their
latest products and services during the *Sponsor Showcase.*
St. Louis, the Gateway City, offers something for every interest including
unique attractions, historic sites, charming neighborhoods and many
entertainment options.
Don't miss out on this year's National Forum!
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Follow us on Twitter!]<http://lita.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b211fe88d0ff1155e320fde9d&id=5f8f616169&e=c55d0c0206>Follow
us on
Facebook and Twitter!
LITA American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611
Ph: (800) 545-2433 x4269 | Fax: (312) 280-3257 | [log in to unmask]
Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) members are
information technology professionals dedicated to educating, serving, and
reaching out to the entire library and information community. LITA is a
division of the American Library Association.
Photo of St. Louis by David W.Preston ©St. Louis Convention & Visitors
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Email Marketing Powered by
Bonnie Buzzell, Senior Knowledge Systems Librarian
Integrated Technology Department, Brown University Library
10 Prospect St., Box A, Providence, RI 02912
401-863-3599 [log in to unmask]