I've finished porting ruby-zoom to 1.9.2, including the extended
services. Repo is here:
I reached out to the original authors and haven't gotten a response, so
it looks like it might never be integrated into the original project. If
anyone has any ideas on how I might get these changes into it, please
let me know.
Brice Stacey
From: Brice Stacey
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 11:08 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: ruby-zoom port to 1.9.2
Hi -
I'd just like to let everyone know I did some work yesterday on
ruby-zoom to port most of the code to 1.9.2. All of the standard z39.50
features are ported. The only feature left is the packages, which allow
for the extended services.
I'd appreciate anyone that uses it to provide feedback.
The git repository can be found here:
Install YAZ
Clone the repo
Run rake clean build package
Gem install pkg/zoom-0.4.1
If anyone has experience working with C and/or YAZ and would like to
help finish this port off, I'd greatly appreciate it. Otherwise, I'll
probably just drop the support entirely from my fork (since I won't need
it going forward anyway). I've also contacted the original authors,
hopefully they follow-up.
Brice Stacey
Digital Library Services
University of Massachusetts Boston
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