Roy, and any other OCLC-ites here, is there an update to the numbers in
the 2001 article on WorldCat Works, or is that data relatively easily
obtainable? [1] At that time, the article reported:
Manifestations (records) 46,767,913
Works 32,000,000
Average number of Works per Manifestation 1.5
Single manifestation 78%
Number of works with 7 manifestations or less 99%
Number of works with more than 20 manifestations 1%
Since then the number of manifestations has quintupled (2011 annual
report says ~236 million), although the number of works per
manifestation has not changed greatly (1.4). I would be interesting in
knowing if these numbers have changed:
* Single manifestation 78%
* Number of works with 7 manifestations or less 99%
* Number of works with more than 20 manifestations 1%
[1] Bennett, Rick; Brian F. Lavoie; Edward T. O'Neill. The concept of a
work in WorldCat: an application of FRBR. Library Collections,
Acquisitions, and Technical Services 27,1 (Spring 2003).
Karen Coyle
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