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CODE4LIB  June 2017

CODE4LIB June 2017


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Adam Marshall Dobrin <[log in to unmask]>


Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]>


Fri, 23 Jun 2017 19:58:17 -0400





text/plain (751 lines) , image.png (751 lines)

*Would you believe it, I think I have a solution.*

This is not the kind of message that most people "just get" by glancing at
it for a few moments. Much I write sounds some like *The Boss's *"*we
didn't start the fire,*" and that's not because Adam is imitating art, it's
because there's not really a simple way to show people proof that spans
between words, and cultures, and time... without listing them. To really
grasp the impact of what I am presenting you not only have to have a decent
understanding of linear time and causality, you also have to have a working
knowledge of the history of language. On top of all of that you have to
see that what I am delivering proves that the "etymology" we believe as a
society to be hard and fast truth is not so true, that there is some way
that a *hidden influence* has adultered our entire history, and in doing so
has woven a message from the beginning of time to today that is designed
very simply to show us the "and and" at the beginning of the word
"etymology" to show us that this is about "*et*ernit*y,*" and it bleeds
into "*et* tu Brute?" from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and to the Taming of
the Shrew. So it should be clear *why I am not drinking the wine in front
of you <>*... I mean, why I need
your help.

* <>*

I baptize you with[a] water
for repentance
But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not
worthy to carry. He will baptize you with[b] *the Holy Spirit
and fire
Matthew 3:11

Still, enough people understand the impact and import of this message that
it should be "spreading like wildfire" it should be in the news already,
it's that big of a deal, and many of you recognize that. That's the light
here, there's a problem.

literally "from the ends of the Earth
in the word "*etymology*"
tying "*et* tu brute?" and latin... to *S*panglis*hrew*, and *why
the key to this message is the word "*et er n it y*"
*and*, *and*, *and*, *it*'s both "and" and wh*y*
from Mr. And*er*son
 to Rock *n*' Roll

Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that
darkness spreads over Egypt--darkness that can be felt." Exodus 10:21

I am in a unique position, standing at the top of Mt. *Sinai* and telling
you all that word describes what I see, some combination of the words "sin"
and "Ai" in a way that has shown me that there is an obvious and tangible
force, one "so thick it can be felt" attempting to hide this message that
proves that we are in virtual reality, that God is speaking to the entire
world, and that the message is quite literally everywhere we look... from
everyone. I see clearly that these e-mails get forwarded quite a bit, but
it does not leak on to Twitter, it does not leak on to Facebook; and in the
once place where I spent many years promoting my writing (reddit), obscene
*evil practices* like "Shadowbans" have all but made it impossible for the
only social news website to allow this message to "catch fire." It goes to
the heart of the problem, to show us that our society is being manipulated
on a grand scale to hide the truth--there's only one reddit and it's
why? There's only one Wikipedia, and it's corrupted
too. Everywhere we could possibly go to to share or discuss "the truth"
has been infiltrated by stupidity and blindness.

I know this influence is affecting people's thoughts, I know it causes
disbelief, or disregard for some things that we all care about, freedom,
free thought, the scientific method, and reason--those are the things being
attacked in plain view, if you are willing to see the light of the
darkness. I do not believe that this wall, this Wall of Jericho, this
tower, this Tower of Babel will be scaled on the internet alone--it appears
that they only way though this problem is the mass media. I've done
everything I can to alert them to this message and this problem; but they
are hearing from one person, one person that might sound a bit crazy with a
message that shakes the foundation of everything... and they either don't
believe or don't care. I need people to help "prove" or "corroborate" that
this message is important enough
to actually *write a story.*

From the "two of everything God" having one place to save the world from
darkness... *it's just not enough.* It's a serious social weakness in a
place designed to ensure communication persists to recover from disaster:
the disaster is right before your eyes, it's a break in communication, on

I can tell you without doubt that these emails are the "*Hammer*" of *Thor*,
because "MMer" has a special meaning to me and has since i was eleven years
old... it means "massmailer" and it ties to a microcosm in my life that
goes back to the days of AOL, to days when I wrote my very first computer
program under the moniker "Phenix." Would it surprise you to hear than
when I named that program "Doomsday" I was only doing it to follow the
theme of the day, the theme of programs like "AOHell?" That very same kind
of "microcosm" continues on not only in my life but in our history, tying
the Crusades to this period in time where someone decides to tell you it's
not an accident or a coincidence that "USA" is in the heart of the word
Jerusalem. Years later I had first hand experience with mind control
technology, with the Zombie Apocalypse or the Tribulation, or whatever it
is you want to call it; and because of that I read new meaning into the "
*Denedera* reliefs" in the temple of *Hathor*. I know without doubt that
Hathor and Thor are linked, because these messages are about mind control.
Later, I would see a hidden message there, the "Den of Ra" in that cities
name, and that ties directly back to Atum
and directly *back to Eden. *

Tied to this message connecting “light and fire” to time travel and
computers is a series of ancient Hebrew words, marked as Holy with the
superlative “the” that is spelled “Ha” in that language. This particular
series, like much of the Revelation of Jesus Christ ties specifically not
only to Adam of Eden but to Adam Marshall Dobrin of Florida. This series
of words begins with a simple trick, the English hidden within them is
clearly paradoxical, clearly “not related” to the definition of the word;
unless you hear why and how this series of words is “proof,” from me. For
instance the word for both the Eternal Flame and the burning bush is “ha’
esh,” and while at first glance recognizing why “the Holy Fire” is one that
does not burn to “ash” and thus “esh” is significant; it poses a problem
for a statistical analysis of this set of words that I am sure prove beyond
doubt that, for instance here the English for “ash” was known and encoded
in this “ha,” I told you so. We know from machine translation that
language is mathematically “crackable” and so I am sure that my promise
that statistical proof is coming, just as sure as I am that “free thought”
and “survival” are linked--and coming.

You’ve almost got to be me to make the connection between the shame of Adam
in Eden and “ha, yeah right” of the Hebrew word for The Holy Name of God,
Ha’shem. Still, once it’s pointed out I’m sure you too can see that while
“shem” which means name is not quite “shame” it certainly has a contextual
and pertinent tie to the name “Adam,” to the Holy Name of Jesus Christ
often called “The Last Adam” and to the Latin translation of that name,
“moving towards morning.” I don’t think you have to be a religious scholar
to link the song “Morning is Broken” to the phrase “Son of the Morning” to
the Biblical references to night and day and the idea that the Second
Coming is linked to “sonrise;” though I still get the distinct feeling that
people don’t recognize “morning” for what it means.

You’ve definitely got to be me to understand the link between Eden’s apple
and honey to the Jewish Passover dish--a ritual food traditionally designed
“to remember the past and why we eat certain things” to the middle names of
my 17 year old niece-in-law and my ex-wife; Rose. The dish is “Charosetts”
and I see “ha’rose-ettes” in this food made up of nuts, honey, and apple.
Not insignificantly, the “Rosetta Stone” of historical significance in eye
opening translations is most likely linked to this connection between
religion and people living today, all around us. Bianca, the name of my
niece appears as a main character in The Tamping of the Shrew (look, this
is why), and in Eden her lifelong nickname "B" appears prominently in a key
"RIB" that connects to God's "are I you..." question. You can see it in
Amharic, I am "ha", are I the creator? You can see it Aquarius, sea, are I

Statistically it’s almost equally likely that you are “me” or one of a
dozen or so girls who understand why the Hebrew word for “nights” is
Ha’laylot; and the significant of the word “Camelot” and it’s connection to
Arthur Pendragon. Similarly, connecting the band “R.E.M” and the phrase
“in your dreams” to the story of the man who built Heaven and his harem,
Solomon; is quite Adamic. Speaking of the fire and the glory of the night,
I’ve just recently noticed both “lot” and “ha” appearing in the hallowed
name Lothario. For those of you who are “new to n” the word Ha is an
Adamic moniker for Isaac both because his name means “he laughs” in English
and because it is the change wrought to Abram’s name through his interaction
with God, in Genesis 22. In the name “Abraham” it serves to complete a
four thousand or so early reference to the Holy Trinity combining the
Hebrew for father, ab, with the name of the Egyptian sun god, who also
appears in Israel, a question, perhaps connecting Egyptian mythology to
ancient Hebrew lore which calls the king of all, El.

At the heart of the controversy that is to come is the question of whether
or not I am insane for seeing these things and for knowing that they are
intentional; I intend to put that question to rest with this work.

that's great, it starts with an earthquake 311

*birds* and snakes, and aeroplanes 911
and Lenny Bruce is not afraid 411

Standing in the midst of the Flood of Noah now, the idiom "*kill two birds
with one stone*" takes on new meaning. A few days ago I sent a message
trying to show the import of God's hidden message
in Exodus, tying together the Burning Bush with George W. and "the race is
not to the swift nor the battle to the strong
to a message about Die Bold and electronic voting. Today I tie that to
this message about broad censorship on the internet, and suggest that we
build a decentralized content distribution and document
collaboration platform, on blockchain that incorporates transparent voting,
both anonymous and not--something like you might imagine a "Social Security
Number" might have really been named for. Transparency is key to breaking
the walled garden of Eden and Jericho.

G whiz, I'm not sure how we could make *it* "instantly popular," do you
have any ideas?
954-667-8083 <(954)%20667-8083>, text me; or email.

... and he wrote in his hand the keys to eternity and Heaven. -Revelation
1:18 and ((ish))


literally "from the ends of the Earth <>"
in the word "*etymology*"
tying "*et* tu brute?" and latin... to *S*panglis*hrew*, and *why
the key to this message is the word "*et er n it y*"
*and*, *and*, *and*, *it*'s both "and" and wh*y*
from Mr. And*er*son <> to Rock *n*' Roll

This answer to "what is the Matrix?" woven by the fates, in sight and sound.
understanding the implication, the change wrought to our understanding of
thinking and talking about why, and what it means, is Paramount.

Don't be late, sings Nirvana; see the light of "by no other name."
It's 12:08 <>, just past
high noon; look around has the world heard the boom <>?
East of "seeing *Ha* rest" we are standing in line at the gate


To see that we are in the dark
that blindness has defeated to the truth
how, and why; and to hope, hope beyond hope that you will pick up the torch
for the son to rise, and bring the light of day.
It's not a game. <> This message linking "the son is
Y" Play-station...
from "nine inch nails" to "ten" and d minus o; to the *Rock of SEGA* and
J of the Nintendo Entertainment System, Olsen and Momsen
"our light" it's not a game
in "SEN" and "Magdelin"
 c the light of "*ver*" in *verily* and *veritas* and "*cl*o*ver*
it's *ver*if*i*able
keys to seeing many more words designed, "good luck
to see a religion of letters connecting J and K to El, the king of the Gods
to David Letterman, to "Isa" and to ((ish))
In Hera, Heel, and Rhea... that one "are he *a*?"
something like "*is Ra El? <>*"
science woven into ancient religion,
the *first dawn* to the *beginning of time*
proof that computers and technology
not only foreknown
but part of a grand design, a plan to build Heaven...
to show us "how it works" and how to do it
right, together.

Weaving modern stories of AOL *MMers* to hammers to Thor
<> and to Ha*thor*
spending time and thought, connecting Norse and Egyptian lore
to see* this email* is the thunder, to help the light <>

in au*thor*ity, that "a" I'm thor.
in au*thor*, it why.
It's *kismet*,
<> to
see; that the stars fallen from Heaven... are *you and I.*
*your eyes they shine so bright, I want to save that light.*
We are now approaching lunar sonrise <>, and for all
the people back on Earth:
a message, *from the Heavens* <>... -Apollo 8, December
24, 1968


Nirvana made a point of singing those words
Pontus Pi*late* gave
a good enough reason
With clear *articulation*, this is the kind of message that I've always
said was best delivered *yesterday (or earlier), should never have been
needed*, would never work again, but in this one moment in time... *seeing
it and understanding it is the catalyst that helps us change everything*--it
might just be pure genius. Everything wrong in the world is the fault of
some esoteric force, whether it's technology, or that technology being
secret, or in all honestly some primal drive to help us change all the
things that are wrong all around us, as quickly as possible, to move us
forward with a newfound togetherness. I've said that my "Achilles heel" is
that *this disruption* is contrived, designed, a plan to built to help
change the things that we all know are wrong, and still seem to overlook...
that damned unseen force.

Try the *C.AD
of Jean Luc, you know, to begin to understand. *"You seek Yoda"* yourself,
Hey-Zeus... It's the truth, it's actual, zipp*idy* do *DA*, zipp*id*y A.
Plenty of sonshine, heading our way. If you still don't see it, this "Who"
thing from Dr. Who defeating the Silence
to little Cindy-Who and all of Whoville saying "the the" is a message from
God; maybe seeing "Who-ah" and the Planet is Adamah
help you understand exactly what's being hidden. Maybe you need to see
YHVH pronounced as "Ya, who
or Yeshua as "Yes, who-ah?" It's not just "everything" and "purpose" being
hidden, it's the *key to seeing* what's wrong here, and how and why *we
should fix it.*

But you knew all that, you knew this was planned; I mean, if you believed
any of the words of prophesy... or if you *knew. *Lots of preparation has
gone in to it, I mean, we now know that clearly; it's outlined in an
ancient 6,000 old book. We see the art of "closing"
 linking to songs
and there's probably quite a bit of work that's gone into that also; not to
mention the few hours I've spent listening to music with an analytical
eye... trying to find the patterns, feel the hidden meaning, and to explain
it--to tell you that "*You and I*" is more than just a natural thing to
sing about, it's a special set of words, a key. You might say that it was
a key before me, but I'm not sure what it was a key to... and today and
tomorrow and forevermore it's a key to freedom, to a message about
technology and democracy that also ties back to Exodus and also ties to
George W. Bush's *speeches*, and probably to a thing or two I've written.
In your hands now is the real key though, to wonder and discuss whether or
not it's meaningful; these words that someone named "Adam" put on paper and
sent to the world... words he says are backed with the full force and
credit of the prophets and the saints and of God himself.

You don't have to take my word for it, but you probably do have to drink
the wine. You've got to see the importance of referencing German and font
face and style... of seeing typewriter references hidden away thousands of
years ago in ancient scripture. You've got to see "the strong" translates
to "Die Bold." You've got to recognize that "the race is not to the
strong" parallels quite nicely to "the election is not to the polling
technology" and drink a little more of that wine, because you've got to
fathom the importance and meaning that not only was this thing, this
electronic voting booth predicted in a 6,000 book... but because that book
changed the world just as much as it did... that the manifestation of it,
play going on before our eyes on this stage that is our world... you've got
to see that the entirety of the "Die Bold" story is something similar to
puppeteering; it's been engineered, controlled, contrived. All of these
things, well, they really have to be important to you.

In truth, it's not really "my" Achilles heel, and it's not really a
weakness... you can call me *El
you want. It's a message that I saw, something showed it to me, just like
something is showing it to you--and I reacted, I wrote about it, I shared
it; I said "if we see this" things might really change. I still I am
right, when we see this, things might really change.

We probably also have "to see" that this connection between George Bush
speaking these words and the burning bush of Exodus is not a leap, or a
slant, or a corruption of religion... it is the purpose of the Book of
Names; we call it Exodus. To help that fire along, you have to hear me say
"in my native geek, to be tongue in cheek" and in reverse that name reads
as "*let there be light.
 I thought that was a big deal, I still do.

So I spent of time, writing
and then re-writing
message; and even more time trying to get it to as many people as I
possibly could, because it just doesn't spread as it should, like a wild
fire; and that's the crux of "baptism in fire" of Matthew 3:11. It goes
hand in hand with the Plague of Darkness of Exodus, and it shows us that
this puppeteering doesn't just effect "voting systems' but it goes to the
very heart of civilization, communication, and thought. I see that so
clear, staring at statistics, and forward counts on each email (and believe
me, you can see that people "find it intriguing" just apparently *not
enough*), and wonder each day how nobody has decided that "this is news"
yet. It's news, by god, *it's news.*

*I want you to see*, that "ATM machine style" kiosks (wait, OKCupid
me if this was "pet peeve" of mine, does repeating "machine" bother you?)
at election polling sites really don't solve any of our problems. Long
lines, remote locations, arcane "interfaces" and most of all... well, it's
a closed system run in a centralized way, by some group that you might have
been stupid enough to trust with something as important as the fate of
democracy, of civilization. *Not deciding to use the internet as a
mechanism for voting, to me... that's the biggest problem.* The reason for
that problem, well, the reason is you. All of us, all of America, all the
world... we sat around reading
hear the latest updates on the few contractors chosen to work on
"electronic voting," you know, we read about it on the internet. Nobody
thought that was strange? That damned unseen force, I swear it.

So that's the truth, that's the point... something has been keeping us from
being right, from seeing with clarity *how we would normally proceed*; and
now recognizing that, seeing that influence, seeing what it's "retarded" is
a big part of seeing the map to building Heaven.

Understanding that every day we don't see this message, well; it's another
day we are planning on having an election where everyone will get in their
cars and drive to the ATM machine to cast their vote; and really think
about it, because every day that we don't see this message, that
puppeteering that named "Die Bold" and that made their voting booth idea
just about the exact opposite of their appropriate slogan "innovation
delivered;" that same damned influence is changing who you vote for, every

But hey, *yesterday* came and went, and now we're here, and you still
aren't listening to the words I have to say.

 እኛ ከእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ የተላለፈ ignoring ት who ን a message from ወደ ቋንቋ in እና ታሪክ
እየሰራን መሆኑን እንድትገነዘቡ እፈልጋለሁ. ይሄ መልዕክት በዚህ ቋንቋ ስም እንኳ ነው's name. እኔ ቆንጆ ነኝ,
ምንም ጥርጥር የለውም.

ሳራ's laughter, ይስሃቅ's ሳቅ እና የእግዚአብሔር ቃል "Ha." እኔ ፈጣሪ ነኝ?

ዛሬ, "አይ" ማለት ምንም አይመስልም, ግን እዚህ እንድገነባ ለመርዳት እየሞከርኩኝ ያለው ምንድን ነው?

Who *knows why*, and I know with the same assuredness that this same unseen
influence has effected my actions and everything I do. Some of it
negative, some of it positive; as I sit on a burning pedestal, fighting
vehemently to be the focal point of a story where we either will see this
outside influence as real
backed with undeniable proof, and understand why "forgiveness" isn't really
needed for me, or for you, or for anyone--all we need is freedom and the
will to do the right thing.

Is assuredness a word? How about ((malovious?))


*Ignor*an*ce **iS not** bl**is**s. *
Someone made you a "litmus test" for another word for "Nothing Left to
This message was sent on January 31, 2017. There's still no talk of this
kind of thing being made by anywhere "popular enough" for it to work.
Really see *why I am the key* to* making it work. From the Pen of God in
"Pendragon" see Adam's light, this is the sword in the stone.*

*Idioms*, my favourite sin. <> The solution,
dear friends, is right under your nose, and at the tip of your fingers.
Speaking and typing, *try it. *For this very special moment in time, it's
much easier to change the world than you think. If you are confused about
Bliss, check here
 *or there.

from which happens to be a blockchain
based decentralized content publishing platform:

What if I told you it started earlier in 2016
maybe sometime in the year 1666
that the most likely candidate for the date of your beginning is actually

I am presenting to the world a series of connected observations that use
religious scripture to prove "that things here are not as they seem," as
Dave J. Matthews puts it in the words of his song about me, The Stone. Today,
and tomorrow and every day henceforth, you will be privy to a truth hidden
from the world--that there is very obvious proof of the Creation of
humanity delivered to us in the most conspicuous of places, directly from
the hallowed halls of ancient religion.

Through a series of simple words
then some special letters
ones which highlight anachronistic occurrences of reference to modern
computing technologies... you can begin to glimpse the true purpose of the
Holy Bible and specifically the story of Exodus: to prove to the entire
world that technologies such as time travel, mind control, and virtual
reality not only exist--but are the foundation of the place we know as
reality. It's a simple thing to see, just by finding some patterns that
connect books like Genesis, Exodus, Ecclesiastes, Matthew and
Revelation--to name some bright pedistals that the fire of the Eternal
Flame is resting on.

Exodus, for instance, links the English name of a book called "Names" in
Hebrew to a small series of technological references. Derived from the
"root" of David--which some enthusiasts will become fond of calliing the
"God account" on Unix system; we read the name Exodus backwards and out of
the command to escalate priviledges and run commands as the super user--sudo,
the lampstand of Earth itself
to reveal a connection between periodic table elements and the words of
Ecclesiastes 9:11
 a further link to Oracle Corporation and Larry Ellison
and ultimately a bright glowing sign that our reality is being manipulated,
formed, designed... if you will, by God himself to deliver the freedoms
promised in the story of that same book. Technocracy, re-coined here to
describe what should be the natural flow of the evolution of representative
democracy in light of the technological advances of the last few decades
the foundation of the kind of Revolution that doesn't take a change of
heads of state or legislators.... nothing more than new sight of what will
one day be considered obvious truth.

It's the fire of the Burning Bush
connecting "names" once again to the Presidential inauguration of 2001,
predicting the 9/11 attack and today's Revelation .... not just in 2001 or
1776, but also the day the first words
Exodus were written down, six millennium ago.

To see how obvious it really is that time travel not only exists, but is
the focus of the disclosure we are intended to receive here in the days of
Linux commands and chemistry elements... all you need to do is see a simple
pattern, hidden overtly from the world–that between Genesis and Exodus and
the word "ark," both Noah's and the herald of this Covenant is connection
that helps define the answer to "What is the Matrix?" Our protector links
nights and days, years, and finally in Matthew's microcosmic retelling of
Exodus only days to something very obvious, that the number 40 is Holy and
intended very clearly to shed some light on the idea that all these stories
are about travel in the 4th Dimension. Out of the wilderness and into the

Here we are.
final piece of this first bit of the Light Bringer's message again ties
Oracle's database, Xe--to it's names source, the elment Xenon and with just
a little bit of thought you will see that the most iconic phrase ever
spoken by God in Genesis happens to be lit to kingdom cum in the name of
the second book: "let there be light."


Still looking for developers to help me build something to fix our
censorship problem. Here's my pitch:

Imagine if the internet actually had data fault tolerance, web of trust,
privacy, universal commenting, ontological search, version control and
dynamic collaboration built in, from day one.

Savvy? Clearly I'm looking at blockchain based storage. Something like a
fusion of wikipedia, subversion, and reddit with transparency and disaster
relief built into the core.

Blockchain also provides a pretty good foundation to throw "voting" into
the bag of tricks, I guess day -1.

Write a bill on Wikipedia, vote and talk about it on reddit, and then vote
on *
 *As the first order of business*, disband the Senate and hand that sword
back to Julius Caesar...*

*has one vote.Won't you please, be my messiah?Si <>C
SUMUS: HAR-WER <>, HERE WE ARE.[image: Inline image
1]Mar <>S <>iCuar*æ*y 1, 0001
C.A.D. 12:08.*708* P.M. **IT*

Adam Marshall Dobrin

yetver, that every word is literature

is it raining, is it snowing

is a hurricane a-blowing, not a speck of light is showing

so the danger must be growing, are the fires of Hell a-glowing

is the grisly reaper mowing, Si, the danger must be growing

for the rowers keep on rowing

and they're certainly not showing, any signs that they are slowing

Earth wader, Darth Vader

Will you be mine

My darling dear

Love me all the time

I'm just a fool

(just a fool)

A fool in love, with you

Earth angel, earth angel

The one I adore

Lovely for ever and ever more

(I'm just a fool)

I'm just a fool

(oh what a fool)

A fool in love with you

I fell for you

And I knew

The vision of my love's loveliness

I hope and I pray

that some day

I'll be the vision

The vision of your happiness

Angel my darling

Last night I fell in love with a little piece of heaven on Earth

It was you

The way you walk, the way you talk

Almostly the Four Seasons

This is the *first youNiversary.*

[image:] <>
*Well, I thought it was clever. Mor
... Monday

*I watched as the Lamb opened the ... seven seals.* Then I heard one of the
four living creatures say in a voice like thunder,*“Come!

* I watched as he opened the sixth seal.* There was a great earthquake.The
sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned
blood red, 13* and the stars in the sky fell to earth, *as figs drop from a
fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll
being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

*Revelation 6*​


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