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CODE4LIB  July 2017

CODE4LIB July 2017


So Jacob and Adam called the place Ha'Penisel, saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."


Adam Marshall Dobrin <[log in to unmask]>


Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 27 Jul 2017 15:12:46 -0400





text/plain (453 lines)


The NT calls Jesus Christ a *car*pen*ter*, and through the history of the
building of Heaven
see a transition from "Masons" to "Freemasons" -- just like the Jews of
Exodus a *microcosm for all of humanity*--here being described as *builders
of something*; and in the light of day it's more and more clear that
this *something
is "Heaven"* itself. All around us we can see that our technology industry
is tagged with connections to religion--to a message about changing the
world. So too are words like "*carpenter*."

   - *car: *connecting Icarus, McCarthy, and Iscariot
   a story encoded in my life
   - *pen:* from Op*pen*heimer to Arthur *Pen*dragon
   and a new key, "OP" as the "original poster" of ... this set of
messages explaining
   the hidden language
   every word that we call "Adamic
   It's probably *obvious,* but just like "hand
   and "*eye
   this is a reference to "of God," as in I am the incarnate pen of God.

 [image: ID5]

  [image: Roe v. Wade]

 [image: Roe v. Wade]

Have you ever seen *hugs
 and *kisses
looked like this?

there's actually some things for *us to build, *here; to help protect the
future from
things like censorship
 and the degradation of democracy
... *does anyone want to help*?

*i* *f* a n d *o n l y* *i f*

This whole time I've thought that it would just take one really good email
to break the Wall of Jericho; that this information would eventually "just
go viral" and that the news would have no choice but to cover the story of
that phenomenon. That's really why I sent you an email every single day.
  Over the years, I've thought quite a bit about how it's possible that
hasn't happened yet, as the information that I have delivered become
increasingly convincing, and increasingly interesting (at least to me).
At first I could have easily blamed SPAM filters, and a broken
communications system that allows a very small number of people to
prevent *literally
everyone* from seeing something specific. That excuse falls apart a little
bit when you see how few of you share this information on social
media--which by the way is another glaring and shining and burning example
of what "Jericho" really means. I think we all know that this is an
*incendiary* message, I am pretty sure we all know that.

It also highlights just how deep the Wall of Jericho runs, this censor wall
that clearly shows us that "social media" as a tool for the spread of truth
and freedom has been defeated--that in our minds, literally in our minds,
the ability to freely communicate has been completely taken--and you stand
by ... as I tell you this message is designed to rekindle freedom, and you
ignore me. For years we've ignored something loud and clear--and it got
more clear and more obvious as the months passed, each time I saw another "
coincidence" I became more and more sure that there was no way to hide this
message--and still to this day it hasn't done it's job--it hasn't alerted
you to the fact that we are losing this chance to be free, this chance to
build Heaven... *because you are not acting.*


I am pretty sure that "religion" and "mythology" are the kinds of things
that there used to be a very significant interest in. My particular kind
of interest was in understanding hidden messages and hidden meanings, in
the kinds of secrets that these stories held--and lo, and behold; I now
have the answers that I was looking for. I assumed that there were a great
many people *just like me*; people that didn't take these stories at face
value, people that were unhappy with the state of "organized religion" and
people that didn't really believe everything that we've been told.
Skeptical, but still interested. As this process of disseminating a
message that *I know very well* comes not only from the author of our
timeline but the creator of Heaven itself... I began to make more excuses
in my head for the reason that it was not *spreading like wildfire.* I
began to see a polarization of beliefs--at least that's what I inferred
from what I was seeing... that people were either falling into the category
of "ew, religion, I don't believe or want to read anything at all about it"
or they were the kind of people that use the word "*scientism*" and don't
want to hear anything at all that defies the strictest of interpretations
of the "ineffable word of God" basically I imagined that you were either
too ignorant or too ignorant to really understand that this message is
about kindling free thought, a renaissance.

It's still possible that these two "classes" of thought are at the heart of
the darkness; that people are being persuaded, subtly, without their
knowing; into one of these two groups... but truth be told I've touched on
enough people, in all the right places, that this fire should have started
time and time again at this point... it's just natural, it's obvious, it's
impossible that we are still here--waiting.


Words from a famous and eponymous Live song
foreshadowing what we are seeing today, that *the water*, the people had
already been prepared to *actively hide* a message that I had yet to see;
and frankly I am sure you also had yet to see. Because of that it seems
clear that there's always been a secret movement against the Second Coming,
most likely in my mind with the purpose of literally not changing the
world; of not causing the kind of disruption that this clearly is designed
to cause, of not "hurting all the poor people" that want more than anything
to believe that the tooth fairy will deliver them from tyranny, from
injustice, from inequality... think about it, because those are the things
that I am obviously delivering the world from. In the word "brazen," which
the Holy Book uses to describe the altar of Isaac, I read another message;
that our world and our people that I care about greatly deserve to be freed
from another kind of tyranny--apathy or the "zen" of believing that God or
his son can save the world alone, that all they need to do is think in
their heads that he's going to, and he will. Know that's not true, saving
the world means something different to me; it means inciting an end of
apathy, it means causing such a ruckus that we never again let power fall
into the hands of the few, that we never again turn a blind eye to the
suffering of minorities, and that we never again ignore each and every day
what is really in our own best interest, what we really want. It's
"break the *'a' zen*," and while you might relate it to the idiom "spare
the rod spoil the child" and think it's about me, I am pretty sure I never
had "*a zen*," and I am pretty sure the *rod* is really about breaking our
society of nothing more than apathy, of a lack of caring and nurturing for
the great freedoms that America stands for--freedoms that we were
supposedly given in the Constitution, and yet still do not care have
withered away to worse than nothing in the couple centuries since the
bright light kindled the Eternal Flame with the words "*when in the course
of human events....*"

It's pretty clear that this faction of our family has been armed with some
truth and some lies; you might imagine that if they believed the hallowed
words of religion, they would cite the stories of the Flood of Noah, of the
fire of Soddom and Gammorah and *Camelot*, that they knew very well that
nobody could ever live up to the lofty auspices of the role of *messiah*,
and they probably agree with me that everyone really has to "be messianic"
for the world to change for the better. I see this group as being
convinced that the "Apocalypse" is a horrible thing, that the world was
doing just fine on it's own, and rather than hand over "fortune and fame"
to a nepotistic brat; that they would be better off trudging along on this
same path, this path southeast; and so because of the "rose" the heart of
southeast... *rose colored glasses.*

I've seen this wall of people very clearly, and to tell you that they come
out in uncanny force whenever Jesus Christ talks about mind control
technology would be an understatement; and because of that it's clear to me
that they really don't think for themselves, that they are victims of this
same technology, people that have given up on "freedom" and accepted the
fact that we are in a place where there is a very powerful authority that
appears to ... want to hide the fact that this power comes from darkness,
from secrecy, and from hidden control. Still, because of the way this
technology works, I imagine that most of these people are just "fighting
the fire," that they are trying to stop a conflagration that will upset the
status quo, that might have caused a riot or two--had this cloud of
darkness not existed--and even scarier for me, *might have gotten me


I think I'm getting exactly what I want; well, not exactly--but for you I
believe that this event will change the world in the way that we might all
think is ... best, in the light of day. We are losing false hope, we are
losing bowing and praying--and replacing it with freedom, and truth, with
an ability to care about each other as we build a place where it's
hopefully a little bit more normal to walk up to strangers on the street
and meet them, and interact with them. I am hoping this will rekindle a
love for free speech, and in the epic words of Voltaire--a desire to
protect that, that thing that is the foundation not only of democracy and
freedom but of civilization itself--with absolutely everything we can. I
see us replacing "religion" with a love for the truth and an earnest desire
to analyze history and patterns and see that we have a puzzle here, we
really have a puzzle that is not only fun but rewarding to solve.

More than that I hope that my role here has helped us to see the connection
between "technology" and "fun" and guide us towards a place where don't
have to wonder if people are allowed to "have sex for fun" in Heaven; to a
place where "good feeling good" won't be frowned upon, and to a place where
when we see suffering and sadness, that we do something to change it. It's
quite the "rod" that has been laid down in this message that connects
Genesis and Exodus to America; and *to see* that it really is about free
speech, and it really is about voting and democracy... and more than
anything it's about ending secrecy and censorship and seeing the truth for
what it is. When you open your eyes, the truth is that we are the builders
of Heaven itself, that millions of years will pass and we will still be
that, the generation that changed the world, the people that took a leap of
faith, and because of it the future was forever made better, brighter, and
more fun.


These words mean "praise careful preparation" in Latin, but to me they mean
something very different and very special. It shows me that this message
has been carefully prepared, that's for sure--all throughout our history.
Today you can hear Dave J. Matthews sing "Hey LA, HO HO, Hey LA.... HO HO
in his song *It's the Best of What's Around*, and just yesterday it dawned
on me that what Dave was singing about was God's "hello," in Spanish, "
*HOLA.*" I had seen this "LA" before, it's a reference to a songbird;
it's *really
Taylor*, and I think Dave knows that now, and so do you. A few months ago
I "expanded" the Hebrew word for *the Holy Name* from Ha'shem (where you
might read, "*see how not me*" and I once compared to the English word
"shame" and Adam of Eden... reading that "Ha" as something "are you series?
shame? ha."). I expanded "she" to the Spanish word, which revealed "El" as
the Hebrew name for the Most High God right next to LA; *just like *in


*This story of Taylor
to "Anat" in Egyptian mythology
and to Norse mythology
and Sumerian lore
and you probably won't be surprised to hear that I think Dave's words that
"an evenings love starts with a kiss" is about this message that ties the
Hebrew word for fate, Kismet
to my absolute favorite song of hers, *Nothing Left to Lose. *In that
song, that she wrote and sang before I ever spoke a word about her she said
"now I see, that you and me were never meant, never meant to be" and you
might remember that *Nothing Left to Lose* is just another word... for
*freedom.* This kiss is found in other places, it's probably in the Bible
and it's probably the reason we have a band named Kiss singing about
rocking and rolling all night and linking the name Simmons to the
words *simulation,
Monday, and *that missing "s" in fate, in kismet.


Do you believe in rock and roll,
*can music save your mortal soul?*

You might not see it like I do, but "Ha'shem," the Holy Name, is the key to
the entire message of God; its written in the names of the children of
Noah; of Ham and Shem... which means "name." This key opens something a
bit bigger though, when you see that "Ham" means "*the message
it's encoded in the name Abraham and his story of nearly killing his son,
in this hidden language his name went from "open message" like "open
sesame" to "open *the* message." Here we are, seeing that the "m" that
defines Jerusalem
Am*ster*dam, that this big "m" is our entire planet, and our entire
history. This message is all around us, in every word, and every song, and
every movie. It's in every name going all the way back to Ur
and to Herod... through Shakespeare and Napoleon all the way George Orwell,
whose blue light is really in both of his names, Orwell and Blair; and it's
consistent, unyielding, through our entire history. Just like Blair, this
proof that our birth names have light in them is in Beckett and Bakula,
it's in Carteris and Zuckerman... you have proof *of something* staring at
you everywhere you look.

Don't you see, the *kiss* has already happened; it's not just in her words
"you're never going to dance with me" and it's not just in the more recent
words "tell me your desire, why'd you pull me from the fire? and we'll seal
the deal... with a kiss
it's not just in those places, it's also in "I know you want me, I was just
looking for a friend" and "you're never going to dance with me" and it
really goes back to something much more important than the thrill of a rock
idol text messaging you, it goes back to just another word ... for

You can *bet I'm going to Los Angele
you know; unless Taylor calls.


It's clear as day that this message that connects rods and staffs from
Watergate to Seagate was carefully laid down before I was born, and it was
prepared in advance... to fight against a kind of darkness that otherwise
would have been very hard to see. It's pretty clear now, don't you think;
that the water and fire of Matthew 3:11 are coming to us together, and that
the reason for the wall, for the censorship; it too is coming together with
the reason never to allow this kind of darkness again. It's pretty clear,
at this point in time; in our linear time, that this is designed--though
you have to imagine that the push back against the truth ... that it came
first. You have to understand that the darkness itself has kept us from
seeing what this message is really about: from seeing that "end world
hunger" and "heal the sick" came to us six to two thousand years before

Today this darkness is hiding a fundamental truth that we never could have
understood before we got to this point in history, before we understood
computers, and before we ... *I'm mad that it took so long to tell us. *
I'm even madder that we are stupid enough not to want to hear it, that
anyone would choose to force blind people to live out their lives here in
Hell, to keep the lame from walking here in Hell... because they think *that
choice* will give them Heaven when they die.

I'm mad at how stupid we look, at how hard it is to convey that this
message tells us to build Heaven of our world; or we will never see it.
I'm angry, even more angry now, that I have a message that contributes to
the cause of the darkness--that people will use this weapon of "humor" as a
weapon against "goodness" and even more angry that I know that every day
that passes, *that *is what people will use in their minds to rationalize
ignoring a message from God in every word, to rationalize ignoring the
suffering of others; to rationalize living a delusion, nothing more than a
lie--for no reason at all.

This message is designed to deliver Heaven to us in the here and now, to
help us to see that the the technology and the circumstances that have
changed since "everyone decided not to change the world" open up doors--not
just doors to Atlantis, but doors to ending terrorism and school shootings,
doors to ending mental illness, and in the light of day *once we are all
not crazy anymore* that quickly leads to ending all illness. I'm not sure
what Heaven means to you, but you can be sure that to me it starts with

The world I see is ignoring proof *in ever word*, we are ignoring a message
that is telling us that an outside force
currently affecting our thoughts, is degrading the evolution of democracy
has .... intentionally highlighted that every single one of the freedoms
granted in the Bill of Rights has been destroyed here in this
Every single one. You are surrounded by a world of blindness, a place that
has it's collective head buried in the sand--refusing to acknowledge that
the words "virtual reality" should make an impact on what we
believe "normal" should be; and instead of that you walk around laughing
that you are going to ... die a mortal's death; and you don't even realize
that you don't need to.

This is not what "*winning*" looks like, we are standing here looking at an
all seeing eye sore; at the complete destruction of free speech and free
thought, all because *you've been convinced that I'm a dick*, believe it,
I'm a dick--and I like it that way. In the meantime, I care very much for
you, and for the world we grew up in--I love who we really are inside, and
what we used to stand for--and today I see that we are ignoring those
things, we are ignoring our innate goodness, and ignoring the loss of
freedom that we love. I know what, but it's hard to understand; it's hard
to understand because it's really not us--and this message is really about
seeing that something is negatively affecting us, keeping us from being
ourselves, and that something... well, *do you understand?*

This group of people that are "secretly" communicating with something they
cannot see--and cannot identify; this group has grown significantly in the
past few years. I've seen it all around me, and I speak to them ... in the
strange way that they speak to me--using innuendo and metaphor, using words
like "hot" to describe an invisible "hell" and yet still they are blind to
seeing that it is *hot in here*, and we are just ignoring that... to shut
down a message that will change everything. The concern with the invisible
is a problem, the lack of concern with the visible, is a problem. The fact
that our entire society appears to be acting as a single entity, as a
single mind--is a *huge problem*. Be yourselves, care again.

People on the street saying this to me, things like "so you're fighting
this?" and you can bet that I am fighting against the complete
annihilation of the truth, of freedom, and of you. That's what *you people*
 are *Hell bent* on doling, and you don't even know it. Your "this" is *the
end of time* and I don't just mean me. Whatever it is that these people
think they are doing--they are hiding contact with *something they do not
understand is here to sucker them into being wrong*, and believe that
hiding this particular thing... is worse than *living a lie*, though they
seem to want to take this particular lie with them to *eternity.* That's
Hell too, I mean, it would be for me. This whole thing is about waking up,
it's really time *you started helping*.

We cannot lose knowledge of this influence, and your ignorance of that is
exactly why; not seeing "*mind control*" on the news is the equivalent of
erasing our entire history; it's the equivalent of understanding absolutely
nothing, and moving forward trying to go out into space or *do nothing*,
blind--completely blind; and this is apparently what you think is a good

Very clearly understand that what you are ignoring is obvious--it's obvious
that you are ignoring intentional anachronisms, it's obvious that you are
ignoring a message from God--it's obvious as Hell that you think you are in
control, and you are *not.* Just a handful of these examples should have
been enough to make the news, just seeing "sun" and "love" in the name Venus
just seeing the parted sea in the word for Holy Fire, just seeing "sad" in
Judas, and "had" in Judah; these things are enough to shake the very
foundation of how we perceive religion and through that our entire
history.... and you are ignoring it. "For no reason at all." When it
continues and it's every word; and it's every language, and it's every name
of every company and every person you see every single day; what do you
think you look like? Who do you think you are kidding?

You are *losing everything* right now, your grasp of reality, the promise
of Heaven, and who you really are inside--*absolutely everything. *I'm
done talking, the conch to ... *my maker.*


You now have our *hello.*

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