The next ER&L Conference is another year to gather up and share what we know, learn, toot our own horns, lift each other up and have some fun in Austin. We'll be sharing the first list of accepted sessions in the next week or so, but we have some other news to share.
We’re inviting you to join us for our new Poster session. We’ve opened a Call for Posters with opportunities for traditional and e-poster presentations.
Ideas. Ideas. Ideas.
If you’re thinking, "Hmm… Do I have a poster submission idea?” consider some of these questions and ideas:
* Are you looking for a new way to disseminate your work?
* Do you have a project that is just getting started or best presented in a visual way?
* Do you want to connect one-on-one with other attendees interested in the same topic?
* Do you want to show off that keen eye for design that you bring to your work?
The possibilities for you are endless in our new Poster session. Here’s what we’re hoping to see:
* Workflows in managing e-resources
* ERM tools and best practices
* Collection assessment and collections dashboards
* Outstanding org charts
* On-campus marketing materials.
* E-Resources processes in action
* Staff Training Materials
Submit your idea. The application is a breeze. Here’s what you’ll need to complete a submission:
1. Title
2. Track
3. Poster Type (Traditional Poster or E-Poster Format Preference)
4. Brief Description
SUBMIT NOW<http://electroniclibrarian.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8d7a492c36cc5246f9921e0cd&id=aba0f64513&e=077fcc9ee3>
We believe you’ll find support for good ideas, feedback to improve, and inspiration at ER&L. We hope to see you there!
Wishing you the best,
Bonnie & the new Poster Planning Committee, Whitney Bates-Gomez and Kavita Mundle
Electronic Resources & Libraries
321 Wisconsin Avenue, #1 | Oak Park, IL 60302<https://maps.google.com/?q=321+Wisconsin+Avenue,+%231+%7C+Oak+Park,+IL+60302&entry=gmail&source=g>
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