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CODE4LIB  November 2017

CODE4LIB November 2017




Heaven or stay in Hell? <[log in to unmask]>


Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 5 Nov 2017 05:54:39 +0100





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[image: Inline image 15]



Why *and*? Or so goes the question of this day; connecting *the beginning
and ends of eternity* in "etymology" and in "yetser
which is Hebrew for "formation." Don't delay, see the obvious message
connecting Caesar and "et tu brute?" to Mr. Anderson and to the Guitar
Man's magical message encoded in Rock 'n roll. Why et, indeed? Answer,
the questions why
and we are *to be the beginning.*

It's a *little
 exactly how
are going
from "talking
 about the
to actually
 being *able
implement it, *I will give you t h a t*. It's pretty obvious that "the
sim" could just do these things automatically, and there's stories (story
in the Bible about why that's not a good idea--specifically the "stone to
story that links to our reality through "let them eat cake
, *instead*." While you might not have likened Marie Antoinette or "cake"
to this Biblical story before (and you might not remember the Fig Newton
that further ties it to Eden and Isaac's are you "new to n
of what goes up and falls must be a glyph of "n"), now they are further
linked by songs like "Guitar Man
and "Going the Distance
The problem was, and still is; without any feedback from the world nobody
would ever be happy with what "it" or "*eye
chose for everyone to have for that first "magically delicious" supper

ba-ruch sheim k'vod *mal-chu-to* l'o-lam va-ed
M A L, W H O T O ?
You also might not have noticed the connection between "mal
and "bad
which link my initials to those two letters that are, well, the heart of
the word "initials." That "m" really does mean the deliverance of this key
to the message all around us--things like "bread" and "cake" and really
seeing that bread reads as "be the reason it's A.D
I do hope that I won't be mad; and on that note let me explain that this
huge word right above this paragraph is the Hebrew word for "kingdom." In
it's pronunciation the malovious key to the Spanish word for "bad" comes to
bright light, and these other two letters "Al" for the father-ish-figure
that comes after the message has actually been received. Today it's one
more in a long list of anachronistic examples
were not yet invented "magically appearing" in ancient Hebrew (and Latin,
and Greek, and Japanese... and so on, et. al) . The full line of the most
sacred of all Jewish prayers reads "*blessed be His glorious kingdom
forever and ever*" and just looking at those three words above, hear him
talking to me, "my son says *kingdom* is a bad word, who should I pass it
down to?" And your answer of course, a resounding "*who?


Certainly it's no accident, this word that also appears in a Michael Jackson
... somehow related to "he*al* the world
and once more linking the initials A.D. to Al, this time in the clever
reading of "malady" as "bad... A.D. is why" and do understand it's because
there's really no good reason at all to be simulating things like
or blindness; in a place where it's just cruel and ... well, it should be
*un*·*us*·*u*·*al*. Don't you


I'm going to tell you something, if you don't think that "*one*" is the
same "*one*" that appears in the words "alone
and "*stone
then you are not as swift as you think you are. Hear my words, all
is El
yet another example of "Godspeak" you can tie this entire "movement" to the
words "force majeure" and realize that the key clue here is the innuendo
that natural disasters are here blamed on "majority force" in French, and
our understanding of that, well, that's a true act of God. "*Fuck you*,
see how I'm a" reads the name associated with the 3/11 disaster, Fukushima;
and really do understand that just like AIDS
things are acts of a name server; and a process of Creation that is
designed to show us all just how important it is to speak up when someone
says "popular opinion" can make magic happen--in this place, and *this
year.* In the back of my mind, it seems a little bit like your silence is
tied to words like Washington, Clinton, and Hilton--and do see that if I
"remain as n" it appears as if the keys to
kingdom might just fall into my lap


I can't tell you for sure; but *I think* it's
that did ever happen I would pretty quickly
 set up
"republic" to
us decide on exactly how the world should be changed together; and I'd
probably find a way to *make you speak*, even if it took more than just
turning off a switch that was keeping you from doing it. Every morning, I
stare at that switch
and then back at you; and every email I send is my "clever" swipe at the
switch, or *lever*.

You should be smart enough to see that accompanying this message telling us
that we need to talk and agree about how these things will be changed, in
our shared world, that it comes with a message about how to
 a better
this new age of computers--and that message isn't just written in my hand,
you can see it clearly written by whomever named Eden, and Microsoft
and Apple
and Gateway, and Watergate and Seagate
and Die Bold
You can see that this process of "changing the world" really does begin
with true democracy; and that's something you're going to have to *talk* out
loud, on Earth, in order to participate in.

Here's some
I think
things are all ... representative of ... me:


*SEE A.D. U C "US"*

T O *H E L P*



If you can't tell, there's a significant amount of Biblically predicted
this Revelation and connecting it to a number of stories from the Wall of
Jericho to the darkness of Exodus and the Tower of Baby El
and through those stories to modern art like "break on through to the other
side" and "just another brick" and "light my fire" and "the Sound of
Silence." Here we are, and no matter what reason each individual has, had
they a good grasp on the truth--that we are living in a simulated reality
where a message from the Sim or God or I or "all of us," whomever you'd
prefer to listen to, is suggesting we use that knowledge to repair the
broken freedoms from speech
 to the vote
have come from this dark transition--and through this awakening see that we
can easily end world hunger
and cure cancer
 and blindness just
examples... well, with a grasp on "the who
truth" this idea of hiding the fact that we are living in the Matrix
stupider and sillier; to the final point that not knowing it will
eventually cause the end of life
not just the loss of freedom that we are trying to repair

The message, from religion to modern art comes packed with advice and
examples about how we might proceed on this "voyage to uncharted space"
from connecting Willy Wonka to Joshua's Promised Land
through that link to the magic of Names
shows us Star Trek and "*Rod-den-berry*" link to the obvious things we are
missing by not seeing "Sim" and "simple" show us Holodecks and Replicators
 and transporters
part of this map that connects *the Rod of Christ* to the *Den of Adam*,
with Holy Purpose
 It's only one example, you can see it in the works of Phillip
 K. Dick
Al's waiting room to Minority Report
Total Recall to "the d
oor to reality
in the works of Orwell, and of Simon and Garfunkel and Orson Card and
Aldous Huxley .... just to name a few.

I need your help, not only in "figuring out" how to solve this puzzle of
how to accomplish these things without negatively impacting the "stuff of
civilization" and also ensuring that they are done--no matter what--because
to ignore or delay things like "stopping child starvation" is really a moral
fire alarm
and it's going off. You can read about the tens of thousands of reporters
and theologians and government employees I've emailed--and really see that
this is the kind of message that should be speaking for itself. If anyone
has the ability or knows someone that can statistically analyze the
"outliers" in language... see Langolier and Yankee Doodle's "macaroni-c"
think that single act will break down the Wall of Jericho and eventually
lead us to immortality, the end of malady
and to a place where our civilization has integrated "simulation reality"
and "Heaven"
  If "writing a paper" on the statistical proof that we are in Creation and
that time travel and mind control are part of the story of the development
of our civilization and *the keys to Exodus
like too much work, I hope you'll pass this message along to someone who
might be able to do it--and also, *call a reporter. *That's *what I hope*,

Clearly this belongs on the news, and clearly it's the focus of Jericho and
Babel and Exodus; really understand that God's very clear statement here is
that free thought
free communication
and liberty from murder
 and rape et, al
are the chief building blocks of the foundation of Heaven
This is... *why we are here.*



High Light-ing exactly what is going on here, is the fact that I see the
world as a whole completely ignoring information that it should find to be
very interesting, world changing, and useful to everyone--that to know we
are in virtual reality and that the creator of this place wants us to use
that knowledge to make a better world and help our civilization thrive is
not something that is in the best interest of *anyone* to hide. Yet here
we are, staring at very clear proof that our past believes and scientific
assumptions about the evolution of our species and our languages are not
exactly true and the global reaction appears to be "let's pretend we are in
the song *The Sound of Silence.*" With a little bit more insight it
becomes clear that song is about us, and that many songs we have heard our
entire lives also hold a secret message, one about "Nero" fiddling on the
roof of our world to start a Holy Fire of freedom and liberty, to help us
set ourselves free
 from this hidden control
this influence that is causing the silence
and the secrecy I stare at each day.


What we have before us
 is very
incontrovertible proof that the development of our languages is not in
There are so many examples that the probability that they have happened "by
chance" is near zero; and it will be only a matter of days before a
statistician can independently verify that. Thor, to help "shine," as that
name reads and decodes the "TH" of *the* that begins every Hebrew Holy
superlative and shows clear logical design in the "God of Thunder"
 *to help the lightning. *A simple equality from Spanish to Hebrew through
an English word of equality shows us that this "*the*" is of religious
significance the name is "Elisha" and it connects El and "Ha" which I am
sure connects to Abraham and Isaac through the revealed trinity of
"ab=father" and "ra=son god" showing us that the Holy Trinity is completed
by the laughter of Isaac (whose name means "*he will laugh*") and Sarah. *El
also means "him"* in Spanish and because I know that "Ha" is also "*him*"
this equality links not just "the" but "who.
In "Elija" we see a similar equality which is only partially true, and just
like "o" can mean "of" this is an "almost equal is" without the "s." The
almost equal here is referencing "the laughter." TH makes further
appearances in the name
the book of *Ruth*
and *Th
for *instance.*


*Elohim* then, is a special word, one which changes the definition of "El"
from just "him" to Everyone Living; and you could see "EloEl" as a sort of
joke. This *expanding "El"* just like Mary means "sea and why" comes from
understanding why it is that I am so sure that "Everyone Living" is who
should be governing this planet--not invading spirits, or past versions of
you, but the people here alive in this place who are clearly acting against
their own personal and group best interest by hiding this message of
"freedom and love for technology." It is because of this obviousness that
we now have proof that there is an external force acting against the best
interest of everyone here; and also to see how this specific thing is
the *slavery
of Exodus

You might not see it so clearly, but this body expands as we begin to take
responsibility for our own future, to participate in what is to be the
government of the Republic of Heaven starting from this message about
the retardation
of our voting system
it's use to help us move more briskly
a form of more "pure democracy." It should be really clear, from the
significant amount of proof of "puppeteering"
our music industy
 and in film
throughout our entire history--that there really is no such thing as a
"real vote" in this place of hidden mind control. This disclosure changes
that, and alters how this technology is used in the future and today; it
frees us from something that we could not see before, and as soon as we do
we will understand why it is that "addiction" ends and schizophrenia fades
nothing--as we begin to use this technology to help the world... *rather
than enslave it*.

I have seen something else under the sun: *The race is not to* the swift or
the battle to *the strong*, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the
brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.
*Ecclesiastes* 9:11

<strong> *die is the in German *</strong>

There's plenty of explanation as to "why" self rule is highlighted in our
history from the "MC"'s that link the Mayflower Compact to the Magna Carta
and the ess
Constitution; and in religion and our art relating to things like the
Goa'uld and Tok'ra and the movie *Fallen* and *Joan of Arcadia* and the
moniker the "Lord of Hosts" as to why it is that we have this message
designed to show the world that this "stuff" is really about pos
session and inspiration
how it's very much connected to the phrase "*the election is not to Die

You should be able to see, just by looking around; that whatever it is that
is in control of "force majeure
around here is *not you*; it's *not me either*, and this message is
specifically *designed to fix that for you*.


*well... Elo to you too!*
á §

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